Church of God In Christ · Po Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036 (2024)


CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Entity #00397822) is a NON-PROFIT business in Phoenix, Arizona registered with the Corporations Division of the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC).The business entity was formed on July 31, 1946, incorporated on September 6, 1946.The current entity status is ().The type of the business is .The registered business location is at Po Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036. The registered agent of the business is HARVEY T YOUNG SR. The agent office address is Po Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036. The officers of the entity include Bishop Harvey T Young Sr (Director), Earnest Fitzhugh Sr (Chairman), Gregory L Dansby (Chairman), Leroy Jones (Chairman), Linda F Brown (Secretary).

Business Information

Entity ID00397822
Business AddressPo Box 21327
AZ 85036
Business CountyMARICOPA
Corporation Type CodeN
Domicile StateAZ
Life PeriodPP
Incorporation Date1946-09-06
Formation Date1946-07-31
Approval Date1946-07-31
Fiscal Month NonProfit Only12
Last Annual Report Filed2015
Revocation Comment 1REIN 09/08/87 REV 08/10/87
Revocation Comment 2REIN 08/27/86 REV 08/10/86
Annual Report Received Date2015-03-11
Amendment Date1977-06-10
Amendment Publication Exception CodeY

Registered Agent Information

Agent Appointed Status2009-09-11
Statutory Agent Appointment or Resignation CodeA
Agent AddressPo Box 21327
AZ 85036

Business Officers

Officer TitleOfficer NameOfficer AddressOfficer Address AttentionAppointed Date
DirectorBISHOP HARVEY T YOUNG SRPo Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036
ChairmanEARNEST FITZHUGH SR8327 W. Rose Lane, Glendale, AZ 85305
ChairmanGREGORY L DANSBYP O Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036
ChairmanLEROY JONES3004 Hector, El Paso, TX 79935
SecretaryLINDA F BROWNP O Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036

Business Documents

Document Received DateDocument Description
1983-08-1082 ANNUAL REPORT
1984-08-0983 ANNUAL REPORT
1985-08-1284 ANNUAL REPORT
1986-08-2785 ANNUAL REPORT
1987-09-0886 ANNUAL REPORT
1988-05-1687 ANNUAL REPORT
1989-09-1988 ANNUAL REPORT
1990-09-1089 ANNUAL REPORT
1991-04-1590 ANNUAL REPORT
1992-04-1591 ANNUAL REPORT
1993-04-1592 ANNUAL REPORT
1994-11-0393 ANNUAL REPORT
1996-01-0994 ANNUAL REPORT
1997-01-0695 ANNUAL REPORT
1998-03-1096 ANNUAL REPORT
1999-06-1798 ANNUAL REPORT
2001-03-0799 ANNUAL REPORT
2001-03-0700 ANNUAL REPORT
2002-05-0601 ANNUAL REPORT
2002-05-0702 ANNUAL REPORT
2003-04-0403 ANNUAL REPORT
2004-04-2704 ANNUAL REPORT
2005-04-1405 ANNUAL REPORT
2006-04-2706 ANNUAL REPORT
2007-05-0107 ANNUAL REPORT
2008-04-3008 ANNUAL REPORT
2009-09-1109 ANNUAL REPORT
2010-06-0710 ANNUAL REPORT

Officer Information


Officer NameOfficer TitleOfficer AddressAppointed Date
BISHOP HARVEY T YOUNG SRDirectorPo Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036
EARNEST FITZHUGH SRChairman8327 W. Rose Lane, Glendale, AZ 85305
GREGORY L DANSBYChairmanP O Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036
LEROY JONESChairman3004 Hector, El Paso, TX 79935
LINDA F BROWNSecretaryP O Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036

Corporations with the same officer (LEROY JONES)

Corporation NameAddressAgent NameIncorporation Date
Main Street Center, LLC826 E Osborn Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85014Michael P Lane2002-09-20
Abjw, L.L.C.826 E Osborn Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85016Michael P Lane1999-03-04

Corporations with the same officer (GREGORY L DANSBY)

Corporation NameAddressAgent NameIncorporation Date
Grace Memorial Church of God In Christ233 E Morelos, Chandler, AZ 85225Linda F Brown

Corporations with the same officer (LINDA F BROWN)

Corporation NameAddressAgent NameIncorporation Date
Center of Excellence Training Institute3446 Red Leaf Lane, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635Lemuel W Brown1998-11-09

Location Information

Street AddressPO BOX 21327
Zip Code85036

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Similar Entities

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Church of Christ At Buckeye, Inc.Po Box 67, Buckeye, AZ 85326Russell L Colville1983-03-16
Payson Church of Christ, Inc.401 E Tyler Pkwy, Payson, AZ 85541Jere Jarrell1983-02-10
Christ Temple Church of God In Christ43243 W Kimberly St, Maricopa, AZ 85138Kym Colbert1993-05-25
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Sun Valley Mennonite Church (Church of God In Christ, Mennon\% Steven Smith, 14339 W Pinnacle Vista Rd, Surprise, AZ 85387Steven Smith1990-01-09
Christ's Church\% John L Whittington, 8045 Hwy 95 Ste D, Mohave Valley, AZ 86440John L Whittington

Businesses with similar names

Business NameAddressRegistered Agent NameCorporate File Date
Christ Favour Ministry Church of God In Christ, Inc.12811 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33612Austin Rev Stephensone2010-07-06
Poole Memorial Independent Church of God In Christ With Christ In Jesus, Inc.894 N. Marion Avenue, Lake City, FL 32055Latham Samuel L1985-02-19
Inter-Denominational Church of Jesus Christ: A Missionary Church Inc.Rev. Donald R. Albrecht, Sr., 322 2nd Avenue North, Jacksonville, FL 32250Albrecht, Donald R. Sr.1987-06-16
Christ Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Inc.United Church of Christ Inc, 421 Corbin RdShannon,David L1972-05-09
Union Congregational Church of Tavares, Florida, Incorporated (United Church of Christ)302 St. Clair Abrams Ave., Tavares, FL 32778Barry Margaret R1982-10-15
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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 800 thousand business corporations registered with Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), Corporations Division. Each entity is registered with business entity ID, business name, location, registered agent, principals, etc.

Church of God In Christ · Po Box 21327, Phoenix, AZ 85036 (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.