Congratulations on your admission to City Tech! We want to welcome you and ensure that you experience a smooth and stress-free transition to college life.
To help you get started, use this checklist:
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Here are a few things you should do before your first semester begins:
- Participate in New Student Connection, City Tech’s welcome to new students. You can reflect on learning during challenging times via Academic Essentials, build communication skills during a Making Connections virtual synchronous meeting with fellow classmates and professors and even meet some people in your department during Connect Days, a virtual synchronous meeting with people in your department.
- Fill out FAFSA
- Consider freeMath Start to reach CUNY proficiency in English and/or mathematics.
- Consult the Academic Advising information to plan your path to graduation:*nt/
- First Year Learning Communities
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And to help you navigate your journey to graduation, download the
Companion for the First Year at City Tech
Table of Contents
How do I register for my first semester at City Tech?
Contact the STAR Center
Email: Advisem*
Phone: 718-260-5013
Location: Namm Building, N104
Social Media:
Twitter: @CityTechNews
Instagram: @FSA_NYCCT
Do I need my immunization forms to be submitted before I register?
How many classes do I need to take for financial aid?
For questions regarding financial aid, go to
Do I come back to register for every semester?
Midway through your first semester, prepare to register for your next semester by contacting your Department. Go to DEPARTMENTS
Helpful information to guide you: Advising Modules
Can I register on my own?
For your first semester, you will need advisem*nt from the
STAR Center
During your first semester, prepare to register for the next semester by contacting your department. For more information, go to ACADEMICS
What is an EMPLID?
EMPLID is the unique CUNY identification number assigned to every student, faculty, and staff member in CUNYfirst.
The EMPLID is generated when a student applies to a CUNY college.
CUNY Login
City Tech, as a college within the City University of New York (CUNY) system, provides access to several tools for students and others. By having a CUNY Login, you will have access to:
- CUNYFirst – stands for Fully Integrated Resources and Services Tool, which provides the administrative functions to register, find grades, classes, and other functions
- Blackboard – is a resource for online learning available to the entire CUNY community.
What are my CUNY Login account credentials (username and password)?
If you are a CUNY student and/or employee, your CUNY Login account username will be in the format, where “NN” is the last 2+ digits of your CUNY EMPLID. If you are a guest user, your CUNY Login account username will be the one you set in the CUNY Portal.
Most students will be prompted to claim/activate their CUNY Login account and set a password as part of the online student application process. If you have not set the password for your CUNY Login account, you can use the New User link at the bottom of the CUNY Login page.
How to access
Activate my CUNYfirst Account:
Log in to My CUNYfirst Account
ID Cards
ID cards are issued free of charge to new students after registration. If you are a registered student, your ID will be active when the card is issued. A fee will be charged to replace a lost card.
- Your City Tech ID card is also your library card for our library and all CUNY libraries.
- Your library card must be validated in City Tech’s library each semester in order to use your card on and off-campus.
- Your ID card gives you access to events happening on the campuses of all CUNY colleges, such as music concerts and theater events, movie screenings, and academic programs and events. Check regularly and widen your experience of the CUNY Community:
- Your City Tech ID card provides access to discounts at numerous local shops and local restaurants
Phone: 718-260-5519
Location: Library Building Ground Floor, LG24N
Blackboard is accessed from the menu bar and from direct access URLs on campus websites. Access to Blackboard uses your CUNY Login credentials. If you have not claimed your CUNYfirst account on, you must do so before accessing Blackboard.
Helpful user guides:
The OpenLab is an open-source, digital platform designed to support teaching and learning at City Tech (New York City College of Technology) and to promote student and faculty engagement in the intellectual and social life of the college community.
To sign up:
How to log on:
For OpenLab help:
- Courses on the OpenLab. These are course sites that City Tech instructors create and where they often post syllabi, course assignments, and course readings. Some include student space for students to share their work. Exploring these sites is a good way to explore classes in which you might be interested.
- Projects on the OpenLab. Some of these were created specifically to support incoming students, including The City Tech Guide. Others share information about opportunities for students, such as the Undergraduate Research site. Browse to find opportunities and project-based work happening at and around City Tech.
- Clubs on the OpenLab. Many were created by and for students and are a place for students to come together around shared interests, such as running, anime, coding, and much more. You may be interested in joining one of these clubs, so see what is there.
Getting Your Email Account
Student Computing Help Desk
Phone: 718-260-4900
Location: Library Building, L114
Accessing Wireless Network
CityTech provides two wireless networks throughout the campus.
For more information:
First Semester Advisem*nt
First Semester Advisem*nt (FSA) is a comprehensive advisem*nt office that welcomes and offers enrollment support to new entering students and incoming transfer students. Academic advising is student-centered and holistically supports students with advisem*nt tools such as Degree Works and CUNYfirst to successfully progress in their desired City Tech major.
What: Schedule Builder, a real-time visual class scheduling tool makes it dramatically easier to create student schedules.
Where: CUNYfirst (see instructions below)
Who: All City Tech students, with an initial focus on incoming Fall 2020 students
How to access Schedule Builder
- Navigate to your Student Center through CUNYfirst with your credentials
- Click the “Launch Schedule Builder” link to access the Schedule Builder application. (Be sure to allow pop-ups in the browser).
- Once the application opens, Schedule Builder’s Welcome page should appear. Next, select the term in which you would like to search for classes directly on the Welcome page.
Have questions or issues? Contact us at, and we will be happy to assist you
First Year Learning Communities
Learning Communities are two courses with the same students that are linked together with an interdisciplinary theme. This provides an innovative way for students to learn and form bonds with the college. First-year and transfer students, regardless of major, can choose to participate in learning communities. The program aims to encourage stronger interactions between faculty and students, a vital aspect of college life that is often a challenge for students attending a large commuter college. Benefits for students include:
- A demonstrated increase in grades and retention
- A peer mentor to provide support, guidance, and coaching for academic for personal issues
- FYLC events offering social and networking opportunities
- Peer support and accountability
Ask your First Semester Advisor if there is a learning community for your first semester.
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First-Year Programs Office:
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Transfer Student Center
This checklist will help guide you along the process:
Phone: 718-260-5508
Location: Namm Building Ground Floor, NG08
Veterans Support Services
Office of Veterans Support Services
VSS provides needed assistance for veterans transitioning from military to campus and civilian life with guidance and information on all federal, state, and municipal educational and support programs for veterans and their families.
As a specialized unit of New York City College of Technology’s Department of Counseling, VSS also provides short-term personal, academic, and career counseling to student veterans, military personnel, and dependent students.
Registrar’s Office: Veterans Enrollment Certification
Phone: 718-260-4980
Location: Library Building, L236
International Students
Office of International Student Services (OISS)
Foreign nationals who study at New York City College of Technology should contact this office regarding any concerns about their student status.
OISS offers support through counseling and advisem*nt, including assistance on F-1/J-1 status rules and regulations, compliance, immigration policy updates, employment options, personal matters, student life at the college, and information about living in New York City.
CUNY’s International Student Guide
Phone: 718-260-5500
Fax: 718-260-5504
Location: Namm Building Ground Floor, NG17
First Year Programs Immersion
First Year Immersion offers incoming freshmen and continuing students an opportunity to take tuition-free developmental courses in math, reading, writing, and ESOL during the FYSP summer sessions and in January. See the student eligibility requirements below.
All FYSP students receive:
- Tuition-free classroom instruction in developmental courses.
- An opportunity for eligible students to gain proficiency in the area their area of focus.
- Please visit the Academic Testing web page for more information about CUNY
Assessment Tests.
CUNY ASAP (Accelerated Study in Associate Programs)
ASAP is designed to help motivated students earn their Associate degree as quickly as possible, with a goal of graduating at least 50% of students within three years or less. ASAP at New York City College of Technology (City Tech) emphasizes enriched academic, financial, and personal supports including comprehensive and personalized advisem*nt, career counseling, tutoring, tuition waivers, MTA MetroCards, and additional financial assistance to defray the cost of textbooks.
Math Start
Math Start is a highly successful zero-cost alternative to traditional remedial math classes that have been found to help nearly 100% of students, even those with two levels of remedial math need, become fully college-ready in only eight weeks.
Students will work with specially trained teachers and advisors who will not only support students to address math remedial needs but also support a successful transition into college.
Phone: (718) 254-8624
SEEK Program
SEEK (Search for Education and Elevation through Knowledge) is a higher education opportunity program designed to assist eligible students with personal, academic, and financial services. This office provides counseling, tutoring, financial aid, study hall and computer labs to help students achieve academic success.
The Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK program at New York City College of Technology introduces students to the culture of higher education and provides services and resources intended to help students envision themselves as successful student learners.
Phone: 718-260-5680
Fax: 718-260-5699
College Language Immersion Program (CLIP)
CLIP is an intensive, pre-matriculation English as a Second Language (ESL) program. Classes meet for five hours a day, five days a week, in day or evening sessions. CLIP is an option for students who have been accepted to CUNY and need to improve their academic English skills before taking college courses.
Students who have been accepted to any CUNY college and informed that they are not English proficient can begin CLIP in any semester and spend up to one year in the program. Students can attend any of the 9 CLIP program sites, which are in all 5 boroughs (See CLIP locations.)