Matt McCall Report Review – The Flippening (2024) (2024)

  • By Chris Dios
  • Sep 25, 2022

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Matt McCall is back with a new research service for high-growth stock market plays, but does it deliver the same quality analysis that readers have come to expect from McCall? Our McCall Report review is putting the service to the test to find out.

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The McCall Report Review: Overview

The McCall Report is a monthly research service and newsletter from lead analyst Matt McCall and the publishers at Stansberry Research.

Each month, McCall highlights new emerging opportunities for his subscribers and keeps them up to speed on the latest market moves.

The current deal also includes several bonus resources, including special research reports and other valuable features.

You also get full access to McCall’s model portfolio and regular updates on the latest moves affecting the holdings.

The McCall Report could give you the extra push to find real stock market success.

We will put all the service’s features under the microscope in our The McCall Report review.

But first, who is Matt McCall, and can he really lead you to promising stock picks?

>> Ready to get started? Sign up for The McCall Report here <<

The McCall Report Investing Strategy

According to its profile on the Stansberry Research website, The McCall Report is a stock-focused research service that primarily takes long positions on its picks.

The service typically aims to hold its positions for a year or longer, and it doesn’t usually recommend short positions, although it doesn’t expressly disallow them.

In terms of risk, The McCall Report stays near the middle ground with a moderate rating, but it leans slightly toward the riskier side of the spectrum.

The McCall Report’s middle-ground risk position should be within the limits of acceptability for most people, and the approach offers an excellent balance of risk and reward.

Matt McCall Review

Matt McCall is a seasoned market veteran and the head honcho at The McCall Report. Prior to launching the service, McCall had a long and successful career in the financial sector.

McCall broke into the investment industry with a job at Charles Schwab, where he began his career as a stockbroker. Shortly after, McCall took his talents to Wall Street Radio.

At Wall Street Radio, McCall served as the chief technical analyst and co-host of the Winning on Wall Street daily national radio show.

In 2004, Matt decided to break out on his own. He founded Penn Financial Group, where he helped clients invest and grow their nest eggs.

McCall was also an early innovator in the crowdfunded securities space when he founded Crowdvest Securities, a registered FINRA/SEC broker-dealer and one of the first equity crowdfunding platforms.

He is also a talented author with two investment books under his belt: The Swing Trader’s Bible: Strategies to Profit From Market Volatility and The Next Great Bull Market: How to Pick Winning Stocks and Sectors in the New Global Economy.

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Is Matt McCall Legit?

Yes, Matt McCall is legit.

You might recognize McCall’s face from his many appearances on financial television news. He’s made over 1,000 TV appearances throughout his career, and he’s been featured in prominent publications like The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, Fox Business News, and more.

McCall is also a resident financial expert for a daily show named Making Money with Charles Payne.

These days, McCall mostly focuses on his research services. Some of his most well-known services include:

  • McCall Report
  • Matt McCall’s Investment Opportunities
  • Early Stage Investor
  • Private Deal Group
  • Power Portfolio and more

Out of all the services we mentioned, his two most popular might be McCall Report and Matt McCall Investment Opportunities.

Matt McCall is an established research figure with an impressive set of career credentials. He’s a great resource for insights on stock trading thanks to his background working at a leading financial research firm.

You will have a hard time finding a more experienced and knowledgeable guru.

What Is Matt McCall’s 2022 Stock Pick?

Matt McCall is the lead researcher for a range of stock picking services, so it’s difficult to nail his style down to one specific type of stock.

That being said, he has an affinity for picking tech stocks that have the potential for strong growth, usually by targeting companies with a strong business model and the potential to upset their industry.

This is where he sees the opportunity for life-changing gains.

>> Sign up now to access exclusive recommendations from Matt McCall <<

Stansberry Research Review

The McCall Report is published by one of the most prominent research firms in the US, Stansberry Research.

Stansberry Research boasts an impressive roster of talented gurus and analysts, and McCall is no exception. Its research services include newsletters with stock alerts, and much more.

The company is based in Baltimore, and it was one of the first research houses to offer specialized services for everyday people.

Today, it has more than 350,000 paid subscribers across 120 countries.

Its early offerings were smashing successes, and it quickly became obvious that there was real untapped demand for high-quality research in the retail market.

Is Stansberry Research Legit?

Stansberry Research is a reputable research firm that houses top-tier talent in market analysis.

It’s a quality, US-based company you can rely on to deliver high-quality research and customer service.

You don’t have anything to worry about when you do business with this company.

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The Flippening

Matt McCall sees an unstoppable trend unfolding on the global economic stage that will have a tremendous impact on the stock market.

He calls it The Flippening, and it could be an enormous growth opportunity if you play your cards right. However, for most, it will be an outright disaster.

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What Is The Flippening?

Global economies are constantly evolving, and even the most established companies don’t remain dominant for long.

In 1917, the largest companies dealt in resources like steel or utilities like telecom services. Fast-forward just 50 years later, and microchip companies, cars, and electronics were leading.

Finally, in today’s market, tech reigns supreme. Google, Apple, and Microsoft are each worth more than $1 trillion.

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This periodic shift in markets brings new, innovative companies to the top of the heap. It’s a constant cycle that produces winners and losers.

Matt McCall calls this market phenomenon “the flippening,” and he says America is on the verge of its greatest “flippening” event yet.

According to McCall, nearly 40% of the household-name companies you’ve known your whole life could be bankrupt by the time the flippening shakes out.

>> Get research on the best tech with The McCall Report <<

Winners and Losers

The American tech sector’s explosive growth made a lot of people rich, but many, many more were left behind.

Unfortunately, the tech boom also helped create one of the widest wealth gaps in America’s history, and millions of Americans still feel the economic effects of the disparity to this day.

In his presentation, McCall explains that most everyday Americans missed out on the tech stock rally, and the economic pivot towards tech erased many high-paying blue-collar jobs.

Conditions gradually worsened for wide swaths of America while the country underwent a record-breaking economic boom that concentrated even more wealth into the hands of the wealthiest.

The next Flippening will likely also have disastrous consequences for the middle class, but, like the tech boom before it, it could also be an opportunity to grow an incredible fortune.

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The Next Generation of Winners

McCall believes the next phase of the global economy’s evolution will spark the rise of companies addressing society’s greatest challenges.

Right now, the focus is on innovations like 3D printing, renewable energy, and blockchain, and these sectors have seen tremendous growth in recent years.

As you see in the graphic above, these technologies were built on the success of the internet, social media, cloud, and other legacy tech.

Like the tech that came before it, the next generation of groundbreaking stocks will build on the success of the latest innovations to produce even greater advances.

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New innovations also create new problems, and every problem requires a new solution. The companies that succeed in solving these issues will likely rise to the top of the heap.

McCall says owning the next generation of problem solvers will be the key to capitalizing on The Flippening, and he sees many opportunities where no one else is looking.

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It all starts with getting ahead of the curve. Instead of buying solar stocks, McCall is looking at smart grid companies that can better manage electrical grids to prevent outages and reduce emissions.

Instead of ride-share stocks, Matt looks ahead to the massive growth potential in autonomous and flying vehicles that could make rush hour traffic a relic of the past.

Getting ahead of economic trends like these is the key to coming out of The Flippening on top, and Matt McCall has a keen eye for spotting these opportunities before they blow up.

How to Come Out On Top

If you’re worried about getting left behind in The Flippening, you should take action to prepare yourself right away.

Matt McCall put together several in-depth research reports discussing key growth opportunities that could arise as The Flippening shakes out.

You can get all the reports as part of McCall’s The Flippening deal, which also includes a one-year subscription to The McCall Report and other resources at a steeply discounted rate.

Next, our The McCall Report review will take a close look at this deal and give you a tour of all the resources included, so you can see if The Flippening is the real deal.

>> Access McCall’s Flippening research here <<

Matt McCall Report Review – The Flippening (2024) (11)

The McCall Report Features

  • 12 Months of The McCall Report newsletter
  • Unlimited access to Matt McCall’s model portfolio
  • The 2022 Flippening Blueprint FEATURED research report
  • Flippening Failures special report
  • The McCall Report Investor Handbook
  • Quarterly video presentations from Matt McCall
  • 100% Money-back guarantee

>> Join The McCall Report to access these great features now <<

Matt McCall Report Review – The Flippening (2024) (12)

The McCall Report Newsletter Review

The McCall Report monthly investment newsletter is the service’s foundation, and it’s where you’ll find Matt’s latest research and stock recommendations.

You get a new issue of the newsletter on the first Monday of every month, and you’ll receive new recommendations whenever McCall discovers a new opportunity.

It also includes supporting research and analysis of the latest market moves from Matt McCall and his team.

Matt McCall’s analysis is insightful and well reasoned.

He explains complex investing concepts in easy-to-understand language, so you don’t need to be an expert to put his findings to use.

The McCall Report newsletter is an excellent read, and even the most novice readers can garner valuable insights from McCall’s research.

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Matt McCall’s Model Portfolio

You get full access to Matt McCall’s model portfolio as soon as you sign up for The McCall Report, and it includes McCall’s favorite stocks from across the market.

Each of these stocks has been hand-picked by McCall to capitalize on the next generation of high-octane tech sector growth. McCall believes they could be prime candidates to form the next generation of Fortune 500 companies.

There could be huge changes in the years ahead for the global economy, and these stocks could be key to this epic transformation. The model portfolio gives you full access to Matt’s top stocks, so you can hit the ground running with the service.

You’ll have a wide assortment of high-quality recommendations to explore from the door with McCall Report.

>> Get instant access to Matt’s model portfolio when you join The McCall Report <<

The Flippening Bonus Reports

These special research reports are also included with Matt McCall’s The Flippening deal.

Matt McCall Report Review – The Flippening (2024) (14)

The 2022 Flippening Blueprint

The 2022 Flippening Blueprint is the featured report in this McCall Report deal, and it covers Matt McCall’s game plan for surviving and thriving as The Flippening unfolds.

This 20-page report contains a comprehensive step-by-step guide to capitalizing on The Flippening, and a more extensive analysis of troubling times and potential opportunities ahead.

Most notably, you’ll also find extensive details on several companies that could soar 1,000% as it all unfolds, according to McCall.

It’s unclear how many stocks are covered in the report, but McCall says just one simple idea alone could save your retirement.

If you’re anxious about what The Flippening could mean for you, this report will show you a path through the chaos, so you can rest easy knowing you have a game plan for success.

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Flippening Failures

As we said before, The Flippening will produce dramatic windfalls, but the downfall of the losers could be even more epic.

Buying winners is only half the battle. Avoiding losers is equally if not more important, and Matt McCall has identified several companies with the highest chance of complete collapse.

According to McCall, The Flippening could absolutely steamroll the five household-name companies featured in this report.

If he’s right, it could be an abject disaster for retirement accounts across the country. Fortunately, you can avoid the pitfalls with this report.

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The McCall Report Investor Handbook

Stock picks are great, but knowledge is the gift that keeps on giving.

The McCall Report Investor Handbook shows you how Matt picks winning stocks and teaches you how to put the same skills to use.

Inside, you’ll learn how you can wield Matt’s techniques to discover quality growth stocks that are still flying underneath the mainstream market’s radar.

McCall’s investor handbook provides the foundational skills you need to properly utilize The McCall Report’s research and investment ideas, making it an excellent addition to this package.

>> Join now to get The McCall Report Investor handbook <<

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Matt McCall Video Briefs

Every quarter, Matt McCall goes live for an hour-long video update for his McCall Report subscribers.

In each exclusive session, McCall shares his insights into the latest market-moving news, emerging trends in the economy, and much more.

He also takes questions from members, so you have an opportunity to pick his brain on a number of topics.

However, just a heads-up, McCall does NOT provide personal financial advice in these sessions, so keep that in mind if you’re planning on asking a question.

Video calls add another valuable wrinkle to The McCall Report and give members the chance to hear directly from McCall on the latest stock market happenings.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Matt McCall stands by his service with an exhaustive money-back guarantee that will return 100% of your subscription cost if you’re not satisfied.

You have an entire month to test drive McCall Report under the 30-day money-back guarantee. That gives you plenty of time to try out the service and, if you’re not satisfied, you can get your money back.

All you have to do is call the customer support team and request a refund within the first thirty days of your subscription, and they’ll issue one with no questions asked.

If you have any remaining doubts about this service, the money-back guarantee should relieve your concerns.

>> Sign up to take advantage of Matt’s 100% money-back guarantee<<

The McCall Report Track Record

Our McCall Report review took a close look at McCall’s track record, and we liked what we found.

Matt McCall is a seasoned technical analyst, and he’s picked many winners throughout his career.

Matt’s followers had a chance to buy all the FAANG stocks well before they took off. He was light years ahead of the curve when he recommended these breakout tech stocks:

  • Facebook in 2013 produced gains as high as 1,100%
  • Apple in 2011 produced gains as high as 1,100%
  • Amazon in 2009 generated gains as high as 2,600%
  • Netflix in 2014 powered to gains of up to 1,000%
  • Google in 2008 went on to gain as much as 900%

That’s an impressive list of winners, but that’s just the beginning. Matt also recommended many other stocks that posted huge gains over time.

Here’s a more complete list of some of his top picks:

Matt McCall Report Review – The Flippening (2024) (19)

As you can see, Matt McCall is no slouch. He’s been picking winners for a long time, and he’s showing no signs of slowing down.

Few analysts can boast a track record like that.

>> Access great stock picks like these withThe McCall Report<<

McCall Report Review: Pros and Cons

McCall Report looks like a great service, but it has some downsides too.

Here are the pros and cons of joining this service.


  • Led by veteran lead analyst Matt McCall
  • Full access to Matt’s fully loaded model portfolio
  • Automotive special report helps you capture EV growth
  • Second special report includes a top healthcare stock play
  • Get Matt McCall’s latest recommendations for a full year
  • Affordably priced
  • Comes with an airtight money-back guarantee
  • Monthly newsletter on the first Monday of every month
  • Additional resources available with a premium subscription
  • Matt McCall’s Investor Handbook teaches you fundamental trading strategies


  • No community forum or chat room
  • Doesn’t cover options

Is The McCall Report Right for Me?

The McCall Report has a broad appeal, but it fits some better than others.

This service could be a great fit if these subjects spark your interest:

Innovative Tech

Matt McCall has an excellent eye for emerging tech, and his track record is a testament to his ability to pick winning stocks.

When he says there’s a big trend on the horizon, there’s good reason to hear him out.

The reports and research included with this subscription will help you capitalize on the next wave of innovative technology.

Seasoned Leadership

You can’t get a much more experienced guru than Matt McCall.

He has been working closely with the markets for decades, and even prominent publications like The Wall Street Journal have featured him and his work.

You’re in good hands with him leading the service.

New to Stocks

The McCall Report doesn’t just offer you stock picks.

McCall is committed to helping you sharpen your skills and find long-lasting success in the market.

The included McCall Report Investor Handbook is an invaluable resource that can help you develop life-long investing skills.

Retirement Investing

If you’re planning for a comfortable retirement, Matt McCall’s research is particularly relevant.

His research on the next generation of winning tech stocks could be the push your portfolio needs to make it over the finish line.

>> Sound like a good fit? Click here to sign up now at a discounted rate <<

The McCall Report Reviews

You don’t have to rely on our The McCall Report review to get the bottom line on this service.

We dug up some additional McCall Report reviews to help you get a better idea of what other people are saying about it.

Matt McCall has received high praise from his followers over the years. In his The Flippening presentation, he shares a few McCall Report reviews from satisfied followers:

Matt McCall Report Review – The Flippening (2024) (20)

Since these reviews were highlighted in Matt McCall’s latest presentation, they might not represent the most objective samples.

However, they can still give you some valuable insights into what’s possible with a membership to The McCall Report.

>> Sign up now to join satisfied readers like these <<

How Much Does The McCall Report Cost?

A one-year subscription to The McCall Report typically costs $199. That’s a pretty fair price considering the amount of value you get with this package.

However, we’ve secured a substantial discount for our readers that can help you save big on The Flippening bundle.

McCall Report Discount

Under this special deal, you can join The McCall Report for just $49 for the first year.

At that price, you’re getting a 75% discount over the regular sticker price.

Best of all, you still get The Flippening package as described in this McCall Report review, including The 2022 Flippening Blueprint and other special resources.

>> Claim your 75% discount on The McCall Report here <<

Is The McCall Report Worth It?

At just $49, you’re getting an excellent deal on The McCall Report. Your average monthly cost for the service comes out to just a little bit more than $4 per month.

You’re also getting a lot of value for your dollar at that price, including two exclusive research reports, a full model portfolio, and new stock picks every month.

Better yet, you’re still covered with the 30-day money-back guarantee, so you have an entire month to try out the service.

The Flippening could leave many Americans behind, but McCall’s research could help you be one of the few everyday folks that use it to springboard their wealth to new heights.

The McCall Report has a lot to offer, and it’s a square deal even at full price. However, at just $49 for the first year, this deal is an excellent value and a downright bargain.

>> That’s it for our McCall Report review. Get started now for just $49 <<

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Matt McCall Report Review – The Flippening (2024) (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.