Scripts | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub (2024)

Script objects are pieces of Luau code that can modify object behaviors and implement the overall logic of your experience. They can run on the client or server, depending on the functionality you're building. For example, a script that detects and acts on user input must run on the client, and a script that validates an in-experience consumable must run on the server.

Both server-side and client-side scripts can require ModuleScript objects, which are reusable modules for organizing and sharing code.

There are two things to consider when writing scripts:

Scripts have a Script.RunContext property that sets whether the script runs on the client or server. There are three types of run context:

  • Legacy - lets the script run based on its parent container. Legacy is the default run context.

  • Server - lets the script run only on the server, regardless of its parent container.

  • Client - lets the script run only on the client, regardless of its parent container.

Scripts need to reside in script containers in the data model. Based on the run context, you need to place the script in the right container. For more information, see the server, client, and replication sections of the data model documentation.

You can also use LocalScript objects for client-side scripts, but we recommend using regular scripts with the run context setting to specify whether the script runs on the client or server.

Module Scripts

ModuleScript objects are reusable modules that script objectsload by calling the require() function. Module scripts must return exactly onevalue and run once and only onceper Lua environment. As a result, subsequent calls to require() return acached value.

Multiple scripts can requirethe same module script, and one module script can be required by bothserver-side scripts and client-side local scripts.


Each ModuleScript starts with the following code:

local module = {}

return module

  • local module = {} creates an empty table.

  • return module returns the table and its members to any script that imports the ModuleScript.

ModuleScript objects return one value that can be any data type except for nil. You can execute arbitrary code in a ModuleScript, but you only need to return what you need in other scripts.

The following example module script returns a getPickupBonus function in the PickupManager table:

Example Module Script

-- ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage

local PickupManager = {}

local defaultMultiplier = 1.25

local rarityMultipliers = {

common = 10,

uncommon = 20,

rare = 50,

legendary = 100


-- Add the getPickupBonus function to the PickupManager module table

function PickupManager.getPickupBonus(rarity)

local bonus = rarityMultipliers[rarity] * defaultMultiplier

return bonus


return PickupManager

To call the PickupManager.getPickupBonus function:

-- Script in ReplicatedStorage

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

-- Get value returned by ModuleScript

local PickupManager = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("PickupManager"))

-- Call a ModuleScript function

local bonus = PickupManager.getPickupBonus("legendary")

print(bonus) --> 125


A ModuleScript runs only when another script imports it using the require() function. If a ModuleScript requires another ModuleScript, a Script or LocalScript must require the first ModuleScript in the chain for any of them to run.

Don't require ModuleScripts in a recursive or circular manner,otherwise Studio throws an error: Requested module was required recursively.

To access a ModuleScript from another script using the require()function:

-- Script in ServerScriptService

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

-- Get the return value for the ModuleScript named "PickupManager"

local PickupManager = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("PickupManager"))

When you call require() on a ModuleScript, it runs once and returns a single item as a reference. Calling require() again returns the exact same reference, meaning that if you modify a returned table or Instance, subsequent require() calls return that modified reference. The module itself doesn't run multiple times.

If you require() a ModuleScript from both sides of the client-server boundary, then the ModuleScript returns a unique reference for each side.


Module scripts have some common patterns that you can use to simplify your code and provide more flexibility over the features Roblox Studio provides. By incorporating these patterns into your development, you can avoid common pitfalls as your Roblox experience grows in size and complexity.

Data Sharing

To associate data with individual objects, you can assign attributes to them or create Configuration folders with value objects such as StringValue or IntValue. However, both approaches are troublesome if you want to add or modify dozens of objects or data values. They also don't store tables or functions.

If you want to modify the same data for multiple copies of the sameobject or reuse the same data for different objects, store the data inModuleScripts. It's an easier way for you to reuse the data in other scripts, and you can store tables and functions.

The following example ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage stores the configuration values for a generic gun:

Weapon Stats

-- ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage named GunConfig

local GunConfig = {}

GunConfig.MagazineSize = 20

GunConfig.AmmoCount = 100

GunConfig.Firerate = 600

GunConfig.Damage = {

["Head"] = 50;

["Torso"] = 40;

["Body"] = 25;


return GunConfig

Custom Events

Custom events enable scripts to communicate with each other, but having to keep track of references to individual BindableEvent objects may clutter your code.

You can use ModuleScripts to storeBindableEvents and providecustom event handlers that are directly tied to the methods of ModuleScript.

The following ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage has a custom event that fires when the switch changes state:

Switch Module

-- ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage named Switch

local Switch = {}

-- Creating bindable so any script can listen to when the switch was changed

local bindableEvent ="BindableEvent")

Switch.Changed = bindableEvent.Event

local state = false

function Switch.flip()

state = not state



return Switch

The following LocalScript in ReplicatedFirst connects a function to call when the Switch.Changed event fires.

-- LocalScript in ReplicatedFirst

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Switch = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Switch"))


print("Switch state is now", newState)


-- Test the flipping a few times






Encapsulation is the practice of creating a layer of abstraction around objects or scripting logic to hide complexity. You can use ModuleScripts to encapsulate Roblox objects with custom Lua functions to simplify code.

For example, you can use encapsulation to:

  • Simplify cross-network communication with a single RemoteEvent object.

  • Wrap error handling code around sensitive services such as DataStoreService.

  • Define custom methods to control or extend Roblox object features.

It's difficult to keep track of dozens of individual RemoteEvent objects to implement networking in your game. You can use a ModuleScript to encapsulate a single RemoteEvent to help simplify this problem. By including a unique id argument, you can still send different network messages while only using a single RemoteEvent.

In the example below, the ModuleScript named NetworkManagerClient encapsulates the RemoteEvent:FireServer() method to include this extra id argument. Additionally, this ModuleScript references the RemoteEvent object itself so you don't have to reference it in other parts of your code. You only need to require this ModuleScript to send network messages and don't need to deal with RemoteEvent objects in the rest of your codebase.

The following ModuleScript in ReplicatedFirst provides an encapsulated function that you can call on your client scripts to send a network message:

Network Module

-- ModuleScript in ReplicatedFirst named NetworkManagerClient

local NetworkManagerClient = {}

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local remoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

-- Encapsulating the remote object's FireServer function

function NetworkManagerClient.FireServer(id, ...)

remoteEvent:FireServer(id, ...)


return NetworkManagerClient

The following ModuleScript in ServerScriptService uses BindableEvents for every script to connect to a specific id. When a client sends a network message, each BindableEvent associated with the specified id fires.

-- ModuleScript in ServerScriptService named NetworkManagerServer

local NetworkManagerServer = {}

local networkSignalList = {}

function NetworkManagerServer.GetServerEventSignal(id)

local bindableEvent ="BindableEvent")

-- Linking the new BindableEvent to the id

table.insert(networkSignalList, {

id = id;

bindableEvent = bindableEvent;


return bindableEvent.Event


-- Connecting to

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local remoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, id, ...)

-- Finding every bindable event that matches the id of the received remote event

for _, signal in next, networkSignalList do

if == id then

signal.bindableEvent:Fire(player, ...)




return NetworkManagerServer

The following LocalScript sends a message with the id "RequestA" with an optional "Hello" argument.

-- LocalScript in ReplicatedFirst

local ReplicatedFirst = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst")

local NetworkManagerClient = require(ReplicatedFirst:WaitForChild("NetworkManagerClient"))

NetworkManagerClient.FireServer("RequestA", "Hello")

The following Script connects to the network message id "RequestA" and prints out a statement with any additional parameters when it receives the request.

-- Script in ServerScriptService

local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")

local NetworkManagerServer = require(ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("NetworkManagerServer"))

NetworkManagerServer.GetServerEventSignal("RequestA"):Connect(function(player, ...)

print("Received RequestA from", player, ...)


Creating Scripts

To create script objects in the Studio Explorer window:

  1. Hover over the parent container into which you want to insert a script.

  2. Click the button that appears to the right of thecontainer to open the Insert Object menu.

  3. Select the type of script you want to insert.

  4. Rename the script.

See our code samples and tutorials for scriptingexamples.

Scripts | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub (2024)


Is scripting legal in Roblox? ›

Creating scripts for Roblox can be risky, especially if they involve exploiting or modifying game mechanics in unauthorized ways. Using or distributing scripts that give players unfair advantages or manipulate the game in ways that violate Roblox's Terms of Service can result in account bans or other penalties.

Does Roblox use C++? ›

Roblox games and the Roblox platform itself are primarily built and scripted using Lua and C++.

Where can I find Roblox scripts? ›

To find the script next time you open up Roblox Studio, click on the name of the script above the game editor, or double-click the script's name in Explorer.

What are the best Roblox scripts? ›

Useful scripts available for roblox
  • Knit.
  • Promise.
  • WaitFor.
  • Signal.
  • Selene.
  • Stylua.
  • remodel.
  • Roact.
Mar 15, 2024

Is blox fruit script bannable? ›

Autoclickers and tinytask are allowed, but any sort of script such as Synapse isn't. Auto-farm scripts (the person flys around killing and grouping npc's) are ban-able.

Can you get IP banned for scripting on Roblox? ›

Automation: Roblox has a strict policy against using third-party tools or scripts to automate actions in the game or get an unfair advantage. A violation of this policy can result in Roblox IP bans.

Is Lua easier than Python? ›

Kids who have studied both languages with FunTech tend to say that Lua is easier to learn than Python. However, as with any type of coding, it's down to opinion and experience.

Is Roblox scripting hard? ›

Roblox uses Lua and learning the basics of Lua can take anything from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the time you put into it. The more you practice, the faster you will learn. To get started and to become effective in Lua programming, there are some basics you should learn and know.

Is Lua hard to learn? ›

Is Lua hard to learn? Luckily, if you want to learn Lua, you'll be happy to hear that Lua is not hard to learn. The best way to learn Lua, or any other programming language, is to do some programming. You can do this by building small programs or even start making a game and learn the basics as you go.

Does Roblox read scripts? ›

Inserting a Script

Code in Roblox is written in a language called Luau which you can put in scripts within various containers in the Explorer. If you put a script under a Part, Roblox will run the script's code when the part is loaded into the game.

What was Roblox originally called? ›

The beta version of Roblox was created by co-founders David Baszucki and Erik Cassel in 2004 under the name DynaBlocks. Baszucki started testing the first demos that year. In 2005, the company changed its name to Roblox.

What is Roblox script called? ›

Luau. Roblox scripts use the Luau programming language, which is derived from Lua 5.1.

Are Roblox scripts legal? ›

roblox sees rules as black and white and sadly no matter the context if a rule is broken they will issue bans. if you were to just script your own it would be more similar to an admin panel and would be perfectly fine.

Can I trust Roblox scripts? ›

It is safe. No matter where you put the server script, exploiters will not be able to edit it nor see it. As long as you don't have any backdoors in your game, you're fine. Exploiters cannot edit nor see server scripts.

What is the safest Roblox executor? ›

Delta Executor stands as a no-cost Roblox exploit, granting users the capability to execute Roblox scripts seamlessly on both mobile devices and personal computers. Recognized as one of the most widely embraced free Roblox executors, it is renowned for its safety.

Is it OK to use scripts in Roblox? ›

It is dangerous and can put your account and your computer at risk. it can simulate an exploiter environment.

Are Roblox script executors illegal? ›

Just use or create an anti-exploit, and secure your remotes. Let me clarify that you should NOT use an executor. EVER!!! You will get banned if they discover you have used one.

Are Roblox exploits legal? ›

Exploiting or cheating is unfair to all Roblox players and creates a poor experience for everyone. These actions are a violation of the Roblox Terms of Use, and will lead to the deletion of an account.

Are Roblox exploit scripts safe? ›

The threat report shows the characteristics that make this file dangerous. Hackers are exploiting a scripting engine used for Roblox to insert malicious files, one of which is a backdoor trojan.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.