Setting up Datto RMM integration (2024)

  • Integrations
  • RMM and PSA platforms
  • Datto RMM
  • Setting up Datto RMM integration

For integration, you need to create for the current Datto RMM administrator user an API key and API secret. The administrator’s API key will be used to link the Datto RMM tenant to their respective Bitdefender GravityZone root company.

Please note that more than one Datto RMM administrator can log in to the Bitdefender Datto RMM App by using the same Datto RMM tenant ID.

Generating Datto RMM API Key & Secret and getting Access URL

To create the necessary API key, follow these steps:

  1. In Datto RMM web portal, go to Setup > Global Settings and make sure the Enable API Access settings under Access Control is set to On.

  2. Under Web Portal > Setup > Users, select your account and API, and click Generate API Keys.

  3. Save the information generated at this stage for later use in the Datto Companion App.


    Access to the Datto RMM App is available after registration to all users from within the Datto Tenant that have the security level set as administrator. Each user must use his own generated API Key & Secret to log in to Datto RMM App.


    Please make a note of your API secret key as you will not be able to retrieve it again.

Setting up Datto RMM integration (1)

Datto RMM App registration

To register in the Datto RMM App platform:

  1. Access the Datto RMM App.

  2. Enter the API details generated in the previous stage:

    • API URL (Datto RMM tenant address)

    • API Key

    • API Secret Key

      Setting up Datto RMM integration (2)

    • If no previous Bitdefender GravityZone integration was detected for the available Server Address (Datto RMM API URL/ Datto RMM tenant ID), you will be presented with a welcome message to fill out the required integration information details under Settings > Integration and Default Packages section.


    After configuring single sign-on, you can log in to Datto RMM App using an alias. For details, refer to Configuring Datto RMM single sign-on (SSO) with an identity provider.

  3. Click Login.

  4. Once logged in to Datto RMM App, make the necessary configuration on the following pages of the Settings section:

    • Integration

    • Default Packages

    • Inventory Sync

    • System


In the Settings section of the Datto RMM App, you can take these actions:

  • Configure the initial integration between Datto RMM and Datto RMM App.

  • Define the default installation package used for deploying Bitdefender security agent on the Datto RMM devices.

  • Configure automatic synchronization between Datto RMM sites and GravityZone companies.

  • Reset the Datto RMM and Datto RMM App integration.


For the initial Datto RMM - Datto RMM App integration registration (or if the integration was reset), you need to add the integration details to synchronize the two platforms.

On the Integration page, under Manage GravityZone Credentials you have to add the API Access URL and API key from your Bitdefender GravityZone root account.

Manage GravityZone Credentials

  1. Log in to GravityZone Control Center with a partner account.

  2. Go to Welcome, (User) > My Account in the upper-right corner of the screen.

    Setting up Datto RMM integration (3)

  3. Under Control Center API, copy the Access URL Address.

    Setting up Datto RMM integration (4)

  4. Under Welcome (User) > My Account > API Keys select Add, enter a name for the new GravityZone API Key and select the following APIs:

    • Companies API

    • Licensing

    • Package API

    • Network API

    Setting up Datto RMM integration (5)

  5. Click Save.

  6. Back in the Datto Companion App, go to Settings > Integration.

  7. Under Manage GravityZone Credentials, add the Access URL Address and the newly created GravityZone API key.

Manage RMM Credentials

Now you must add Datto RMM details. Follow these steps:

  1. In Datto RMM App, go to Settings > Integration.

  2. Under Manage RMM Credentials, enter the API URL (Datto RMM Tenant address), API Key and API Secret Key used to log in to Datto RMM App.

  3. Click Save Changes.

Setting up Datto RMM integration (6)

Default Packages

A new deployment package will be created in GravityZone Control Center for each valid association between a GravityZone company and a Datto RMM site. The modules represent the default features with which the security agent will be deployed.

The installation package uses a small-sized file to download and run the security agent installation files on your devices. The features can be adjusted in the GravityZone Control Center under Network > Installation Packages, where you select the respective Company column.


Do not rename the installation package name, otherwise the Datto RMM site variable will be affected and the deployment will fail.

The following modules are available for selection (the Antimalware module is automatically included and is not listed here):

  • Advanced Anti-Exploit

  • Advanced Threat Control

  • Device Control

  • Firewall

  • Content Control

  • Network Attack Defense

  • Power User

Depending on add-ons, you will be able to install the Bitdefender security agent with certain features. The following add-ons modules are available for selection, depending on your subscription options:

  • EDR Sensor

  • Patch Management

  • Exchange Protection

  • Full Disk Encryption

For more information, refer to the Feature specific deployment guides.

Changes in the deployment package apply to subsequent Bitdefender agent installations. They do not result in re-configuring existing installations.

Remove competitor: It is recommended to keep this check box selected to automatically remove any incompatible security software while the Bitdefender agent installs on Datto devices.

By deselecting this option, Bitdefender agent will install next to the existing security solution. You can manually remove the previously installed security solution later, at your own risk.

Setting up Datto RMM integration (7)



If you need to reset the current Datto RMM - Datto RMM App integration in order to change the Datto RMM tenant or the GravityZone company, use the Reset Tenant option.

Please note that all data will be deleted, including settings and integration details. After this action, you will have to reconfigure the tenant in the Settings > Integration section.

Setting up Datto RMM integration (8)


To enable single sign-on (SSO) for Datto RMM App, follow these steps:

  1. Provide the alias and the metadata URL available with your preferred identity provider.

  2. Click Save Changes.

For details on how to configure the identity provider and Datto RMM App to use single sign-on, refer to Configuring Datto RMM single sign-on (SSO) with an identity provider.

To disable single sign-on, follow these steps:

  1. Delete the alias and the metadata URL.

  2. Click Save Changes.

  3. In the confirmation window, click Disable.

Setting up Datto RMM integration (9)


After the integration is successfully added, all Datto RMM sites will be listed as the "source" of the integration and the GravityZone companies as the "destination". The section presents you the following information:

  • All available Datto RMM sites (Managed type only).

  • All existing mappings between Datto RMM sites and GravityZone companies.

  • Mapping management: create new associations or delete existing ones.


The integration imports all available sites of Managed type. The integration does not import OnDemand sites.

To map (associate) a Datto RMM site to a GravityZone company, follow these steps:

  1. Choose one of these options:

    • Select an existing GravityZone company, for which no existing mapping is listed.

    • Select Set as a new GravityZone Company to create a new company in the Bitdefender platform.

    • Select Exclude from Automatic Sync to skip the Datto site from being automatically associated by the recurrent synchronization task.

      The settings for automatic synchronization are available on the Inventory Sync page.

    Setting up Datto RMM integration (10)

    If the Datto RMM site already exists as a GravityZone company, you cannot use the Set as a new GravityZone Company option.

  2. After you selected one or more mappings that need to be created, click the Save Changes button.

  3. A confirmation windows display all the associations that will be created in Datto RMM App. Click Confirm to start the creation task.

    Setting up Datto RMM integration (11)

After the task is successfully finished, the Datto RMM App mapping takes the following actions:

  • It creates an installation package in GravityZone Control Center for the respective associated GravityZone company. The modules defined under Settings > Integration > Default Packages are enabled.

  • It creates a Datto RMM site variable named GravityZonePackageLink for the respective associated Datto RMM Site with a string value.

For details about automatic synchronization, refer to Inventory Sync.

  1. Select the X symbol of the corresponding GravityZone company column.

    Setting up Datto RMM integration (12)

  2. Click Save Changes.

  3. Confirm the Delete association action to start the delete task.

Inventory Sync

The integration replicates your managed inventory structure consisting of Datto RMM sites as companies in GravityZone through an automatic synchronization task that runs every hour. Following the synchronization, an inventory management system monitors both inventories for discrepancies and, depending on the settings, handles resulting events.

On the Inventory Sync page of Datto RMM App, you can configure the settings for the synchronization task as follows:

  1. Under Synchronization level, select an option for inventory monitoring and event reporting or handling.

  2. Under Synchronizaton event handling, select the type of action for choose how to fix events, depending on the synchronization level.

  3. Optionally, under Prefix settings, configure naming preferences for new companies in GravityZone.

  4. Click Save Changes.

    The synchronization task will run next time with the new settings.

Setting up Datto RMM integration (13)

Synchronization level

In this section, you select options that control synchronization between inventories. Each option has a scope and triggers corresponding event actions.

The scope refers to the affected entities as follows:

  • Synchronized entities - Datto RMM App operates only on Datto RMM sites that have an association with GravityZone companies.

  • Entire inventory - Datto RMM App operates on all Datto RMM sites, regardless they have an association or not in GravityZone.

Event actions refer to Datto RMM App behavior in relation to the detected inventory discrepancies as follows:

  • Report only - Datto RMM App only reports sync events in the interface and you must handle them manually.

  • Handle - Datto RMM App tries to automatically handle sync events according to the settings. Event handling may include a prefix attached to the name of a GravityZone company.




Event action

Monitor & report synchronized inventory status

Monitors synchronized entities and generates events when detecting discrepancies.

Operates only on entities that have an association.

Reports events on the Events page. The synchronization task ignores the settings in the Synchronization event handling section.

Monitor & handle synchronized inventory status

Monitors synchronized entities, generates events and takes action on them according to the settings.

Operates only on entities that have an association.

Tries to resolve events according to the settings in the Synchronization event handling section.

Automatic inventory synchronization

Monitors all entities, generates events and takes action on them according to the settings.

Operates on all entities (regardless they have an association or not), except exclusions.

To add exclusions, go to the Companies page.

Tries to resolve events according to the settings in the Synchronization event handling section.

Synchronization event handling

In this section, you select the type of action for handling sync events:

  • Automatic - Datto RMM App tries to handle events according to the settings.

    Datto RMM App automatically handles events only for Monitor & handle synchronized inventory status and Automatic inventory synchronization options under Synchronization level.

  • Manual - Datto RMM App does not automatically handle events. Manual actions are available for each issue on the Events page.

Synchronization events are available with the following automatic actions:

Event type


Automatic action

Destination moved

The associated GravityZonecompany was moved under another partner.

Moves the GravityZone company to match the site location in Datto RMM.

Destination deleted

The associated GravityZonecompany no longer exists.

Creates a new GravityZone company.

Association missing

The association between the Datto site and the GravityZone company no longer exists.

This event only occurs with Automatic inventory synchronization enabled.

Associates the two entities.

Prefix-based association missing

The association between the Datto site and the GravityZone company no longer exists.

The GravityZone company used a prefix.

This event only occurs with Automatic inventory synchronization enabled.

Associates the two entities.

Prefix settings

In this section, you can specify a prefix to be attached to new GravityZone companies with similar names.

A blank space is inserted between the prefix and the actual name. For example, if you specify "New" as the prefix, a Datto site named "Abc" would be associated to a company "New Abc" in GravityZone.

The following options are available with the prefix:

  • Use prefix for creation - the prefix is added to the name of new GravityZone companies as follows:

    • Always- select this option use the prefix for every new company in GravityZone regardless of its name.

    • Only if the name already exists- select this option to use the prefix for new companies when their names match existing companies.

  • Use prefix for association - Datto RMM App searches for GravityZone companies using the prefix and associates them with Datto sites.


After associations are created, the Datto RMM App is designed to keep the two inventories in sync and any discrepancy between them generates events that need to be handled manually by the user. Events are automatically generated in the following situations:

Event type


Primary action

Secondary action

Destination creation

The “Set as a new GravityZone Company” association action cannot be completed because the Datto RMM site name is already used in another GravityZone tenant.

Create new GravityZone company with given name.

Ignore: no association is created.

Destination moved

The associated GravityZone company was moved under another partner.

Move: destination is moved and the event disappears.

Ignore: the event disappears, but association is not deleted.

Destination deleted

The associated GravityZone company no longer exists.

Recreate the company with the same name as the Datto site or recreate the company using a custom name.

Associate the two entities.

Ignore: the event disappears, but association is not deleted.

Association missing

The association between the Datto site and the GravityZone company no longer exists.

Rename the existing GravityZone company with a prefix and create a new company with the previous name.

Associate the Datto site with the new company.

Ignore: no association is created.

Prefix-based association missing

The association between the Datto site and the GravityZone company no longer exists.

The GravityZone company used a prefix.

Associate the Datto site with the GravityZone company, or rename the company the same as the Datto site and associate the two entities.

Ignore: no association is created.

Source deleted

The associated Datto RMM site no longer exists.

Delete the associated company from the GravityZone account and deletes the association, or keep the GravityZone company and delete the association.

Ignore:the event disappears, but association is not deleted.

The event continues to occur until it is handled with a primary action.

Events are displayed in Datto RMM App in the following sections:

  • Companies. If an issue is detected for a given association, an exclamation mark is shown for that association.

    Setting up Datto RMM integration (14)

  • Events. All events are displayed with the following information:

    • Type

    • Source

    • Destination

    • Generation time

    • Event type

    • Action

To take action on an active event:

  1. Go to the Events page.

  2. Click the Resolve button corresponding to that event.

    Setting up Datto RMM integration (15)

  3. Depending on the event type, several actions are available to resolve the event. Select an action.

    Setting up Datto RMM integration (16)

  4. Click Resolve to confirm the action.

In this section:

Setting up Datto RMM integration (2024)


How to set up datto RMM? ›

Setting up Datto RMM
  1. Step 1: Review the Datto RMM infrastructure and requirements. ...
  2. Step 2: Log in. ...
  3. Step 3: Your user account. ...
  4. Step 4: Licensing and billing. ...
  5. Step 5: Branding. ...
  6. Step 6: Security levels. ...
  7. Step 7: Users. ...
  8. Step 8: Global settings.

What is RMM integration? ›

RMM stands for “Remote Monitoring and Management” and is a type of software used by IT professionals to remotely monitor and manage users' IT infrastructure, including servers, workstations, network devices, and endpoints.

What integration is supported by Datto? ›

Datto currently supports the following PSA integrations: Autotask PSA. ConnectWise Manage (formerly named ConnectWise) Kaseya.

What are the firewall requirements for Datto RMM? ›

To allow seamless connectivity to the Datto RMM web interface and between Agents, you must open TCP PORT 443 Outbound through your firewall. The IP addresses you must add to the allowlist are specific to your platform.

How do I know if Datto RMM is installed? ›

Locate the Datto RMM icon in the system tray or menu bar of your device. If the Agent is running, the icon should be displayed by default. Depending on the status of the Agent and whether you have applied custom branding, you may see different icons.

What is RMM setup? ›

RMM stands for Remote Monitoring and Management. It's a software platform that helps Managed Service Providers (MSPs) manage their clients' IT systems, even when they're not physically on site.

What is Datto RMM used for? ›

RMM Software for MSPs and SMBs Around the Globe. Datto Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) is a secure cloud-based RMM platform. You can remotely secure, monitor, and manage endpoints with Datto RMM to reduce costs and improve network efficiency.

What is the RMM process? ›

Remote monitoring and management is the process of overseeing and optimizing the performance and security of all devices connected to a network. This process is crucial for the success of any modern business and is performed using an RMM solution.

What is the difference between RMM and MDM? ›

Finally, RMM allows IT teams to troubleshoot and resolve issues remotely. It also performs network security, endpoint protection, and threat detection. Meanwhile, MDM functionalities allow IT teams to monitor and configure mobile devices and deploy apps remotely.

How do I enable API access in Datto RMM? ›

To do so:
  1. Log into CloudRadial.
  2. Navigate to Partner > Settings.
  3. Select Integrations from the Configuration column on the right.
  4. Select Datto RMM from the list.
  5. Check on the checkbox for Enable Datto RMM?
  6. Enter your API URL, API Key, and API Secret into the available fields.
  7. Select Test Credentials to check the connection.
Jun 3, 2024

Where is Datto RMM hosted? ›

Datto RMM operates on multiple resilient, high-availability, scaling platforms hosted within Amazon Web Services (AWS).

What are the three backup methods for Datto? ›

The three supported backup methods for Datto backups are: 1) incremental backup, 2) full backup, and 3) differential backup. In addition, Snapshot backup is another method that can be utilized on a Datto device that captures a point-in-time copy of the data.

Is Datto RMM secure? ›

All data transferred between Datto RMM, the users (those logging into the product), and the endpoints (the devices the product administers) is encrypted. The data centers are firewalled.

What ports are needed for Datto RMM TCP? ›

The Datto RMM Agent uses Port 443 to communicate with the platform. This is an outbound port often used for HTTPS (HTTP over SSL or HTTP Secure) and is the default port for the secure traffic on the internet.

What ports are used by Datto? ›

The Datto appliance must have outbound access to port 22 (TCP) for data synchronization and ports 1194-65535 (TCP/UDP ) for hybrid virtualizations, VPN tunneling, and off-site storage.

How does Datto RMM work? ›

Datto RMM monitors all of your devices in real-time instantly informing you of current issues and flagging potential problems. Devices include: servers, VMs, ESXi, PCs, laptops and network devices.

What is the first step to start using Datto SAAS protection? ›


Open an incognito or private browsing session, and log into the partner portal with your Datto Partner credentials. 2. From the partner portal, select Purchasing and Billing, and choose Store from the drop-down menu.

How to login to Datto RMM? ›

Logging in via the Datto Portal

Navigate to the Datto Portal at the following URL: Alternatively, open the direct login page for your platform.

How do I assign a Datto device? ›

Navigate to Status > BCDR Status. Click the Add New button at the top right of the page. Select Inventory from the drop-down menu (if this is a Cloud SIRIS, choose the New Cloud SIRIS option instead). Find the device you wish to register in the list and click Register Device to launch the registration page.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.