News from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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Soturdoy October 19 1940 CAULIELD CUP TO BEAULIVRE! The New Adeloido Distributors: 8'5 I NOBNER UNLUCKY HISTORIAN 3 ADELAIDE WINS IRST LEG DOUBLE was Six SEVEN ITY £7 £7 SCORES £20 lb Yudnapinna Hurdle was the first last little bit and in a few more strides race on the programme of Carling would have probably landed lb 10 ovei Pondela ran a good race to finish 7 About tour furlong1 to 2 Kin Jolly Drinacre Aloon Sharpe Brier 0 Bailey i Argenjer 8 i Hybrid 8 0 rV Hartney Lao DEWAR Air Plan Men Mlaa Roaevllle 5U Iadv Of on the at £4 Inc 7 lb Knight enlbldea bi iv 4 vv lumen ei in cm unit? vaj enough to defeat trtahl Chief Justice (G Mules ran off thel UMmonc third icnurne turning Into the straight in Redan the of his 8 is Adelaide Vaga Of the others but he was hanging a Of £wo por three rear nM of utfu thev Ieft the straight and Manimiti BaVchT "TdAVdH gh Caste slipped up on the insde Jfan Kunianc Adelaide of him At the mile and a quarter Robbie a bra 8 7 rohIV1' rt Ttlnrlr hv hlf a thdv tiara iiffoiket nL bi A tXO PI I Mr Conduct to be Probed £30 Vir £18 Of third now W' Bad £30 Hall Beaulivre Neoxenai Kiln ram 3 8 0 the for it Priaee aoa 2 Point Rise Label CHI VAUDEVILLE BOXING and t4 parent Mr and Mr Collin 74 Marr Chimeric! in front of Dilly Dally Browntreet Untey 8UMDAY at 4 for the Label and inab Queen Chimerical bung on am jiataat f4mK AnAaM lRth and 38 GROTE STREET 52 GAWLER PLACE the city and parts of the of to to beat front King the set was ob Readng ull cation A Marlong 10 Spun Maid of Ireland Pfiflal MaaK 1 i i Knot Royal Cru with Historian who third Justire lead to Blnnla Hera Bourbon 18 SEVEN ITY LONDON October The British Ministry of Labor states that there has been a rite of two points In the cost of living figure compared with that ruling on Auus1 31 On October 1 the index figure was 89 points above the July 1914 level as against 87 on August 31 nf Cup after SA MONEY who had been favorite Knight Baylock aged 9 11 (W vic Cup 8 Lady Heer Bond SUvadette ap He he 18 In GEORGE GREY HUGGET TOBACCO Caeaar iring 1 ORWARD CANADA BUILDS BIGGER NAVY Riagcide Baek No PLAN Al W07 Raaorraa meat teeted by 74 Menday rosrrrvELT no fbee list iiauwiiyj 5000 GREAT WAR VETERANS IN BIG MARCH PAST JUNIOR MINISTER SUSPENDED Beginning smartly Balauna led all the way to win the first division of the Allendale Trial Stakes ARI ING who rode three out the first six winners at Mor pheltville todav yy taririeofi ti i 1 1i the Willippa lying wnimsicai Adelaide who won a small race at Strathaibyn on Wed nesday finished strongly to account for Illoric and Banshee in the Redan Welter first race of the tote double Virgin rown and ('roupland practically raced neck and neck from start to finish of the Struan Handicap Virgin Crown eventually winning by the narrowest of margins while The Kiff was a creditable third 7 te ft Kednnam frlMI 8 Caeranga Bet Oiaeaa 38 Harith ted 11 the way and In a good finish defeated Portfolio who finished ontrongiy by half a length with Pyramu half a neck away third Then came Port able ielding Basalt Statue Quo High Road Liege Select Ricardo La Student Paugh a Ballagh Oamelin Aloe Hill Lugano Th last three were Hinlsey Cloudy Bay and Phratrv Morel was left at the post Time sac of almost Opening at backed with He said that in 8 at a private noa Hannah widow of aged 83 years it at bls residence Percy beloved hue Collin and beloved Collint of 74 Mary to defeat Irish Queen by a length and a quartar with Ladmond a length and a half away third Then followed Brown Label Pension stooo al in oot ano Petalie di Vernon and Mandate lost all chance Chief Justice ted early (mm Dilly Daily Chimerical Brown Label Irish Queen Ladmond and Limond Lass Chiei Justice when tn front ran off the course at the home turn leaving berry OaM Glare Beau Vite May Start In Cox Plate MELBOURNE Saturday rank McGrath stated today that although no definite decision had been made it was probable that Beau Vite would start in the Cox Plate at Moonee Valley next Saturday me jneioourne favorite looks particularly bright his journey from Sydney ing round them READING MOVES UP Racing towards the mile Reading moved up rapidly past High Caste and Beaubvre to join reckles in the lead as iney went Etna iM Raven i iR Elder Trade iJ OBrieni Pyramus 8 0 iH Badger) esrdo 8 0 Mornementt Win £11 place mn HANDICAP BYRNE 7 8 ileal David LIGHT CUI 7Jd per os or 4 os t3 Beaulivre Caste El wide out Gladynev 1 promi MILNS WHISKY BARTLE who rode the winners of (he two Nursery races at lem ington today Biden 5 ill Limond Las 7 7 Bourke) 10' £13 Si Lupiaa 7 0 Leesue) 11 10 i Paewit 7 8 HaU 10' £1 81 co*cktail 7 3 MslivUhl Winner trained by Porter invested £140 Dividends £1014 Invested £ISS 10 Dividends £3 14' £2814 BETTING (OICIAL 8 4 rVMM I 8 Dilly Dally MR1CAL Irish Mitcham Cemetery ALPTtD JAMBB A BON uneral Director Phans 1000 IM UnJey road Cater Hs Mr Bartle MELBOURNE Saturday trained and air Empire thick of Italy early next year said the Minis ter for Air 'Mr addnL in a state ment issued today Within four weeks he said the first pilot trainees under the scheme would have completed their courses at No 2 Service lying Training School at agga The arrival of large numbers of dominion air crews at tne tneatres war would enable Britain not only strenethen air defences but also extend considerably the offensive action upon which ultimate success would depend Assaults by the Royal Air orce on military objectives had been conducted with signal success during recent weeks The Empire air scheme would send to Britain's aid tens of thousands of skilled air personnel every year until the most barbaric enemy in the Empire's history was swept from thekies added Mr adden past the half mile Read ing had drawn away from reckles who was now beaten Remarc was second and Rex elt third wmie High Golea and Dreamwm gave trouble at the start Run ning patt th half mtle Prince Bacco led from Buperoritv Wyeala King Baccha Whim sical Laaa Dreamaome Pimlico Maradadi Shalah and Lady Verona At the three Prince Baeco tvo length ahead of Supe notry folloved by Whimsical Laa King Baccha and Dreamaome Buperority lorgeo to the front at the furlong poet and de feated Whlmaical Lara by tvo and a half length with Prince Baeco half a neek away third Balaatur vaa foutrth followed by WyaeL Maradadt Dreamaome Boheui and King Beech with Pimlico and Traffic the last two Time Race craned at 418 8 Oppartanlst DON Of the unplaced division Throttle did riana aooi the placed) Dark Cut and Plug 7d per ox 4 24 the straight entrance here right ff the couise to finish the Derby stand rail The ground lost by Chief caued him to surrender his Chimerical who got a three length break half way down the straight and SiUil W41 KLni The race Was a good result bookmakers as the placed started at 10 to 1 first and and 20 to 1 (third i 1A Montevill' Mr Bartholom bm 4 yrs 7 2 inc 1 lb over and the Minister for the lor McBride Drawn from units in niMintrv vAntrAa in ntaflV State the old diggers presented a fine appearance Many of them wore khaki working suits which they had bought themselves The distinguishing mark was an arm band marked SLV DC'' and on must of them were the old battalion colors of the 1914 18 fighters Many also wore their medal ribbons Some of the men mostly from country centres wore civilian clothes but they still had the dashing upright bearing which characterised the men in khaki spite of outward indications of middle age The units began to assemble at 2 and long before the appointed starting time 310 most of them were ready to move off The commanding officer (Brig Gen Leanei was highly pleased with the preparation Before the march began he expressed hi pleasure at the smooth working of the arrangement "Without parade statements it is dif ficult to give the actual number parti cipating but early indications are that it will be a full muster" he said men are looking exceptionally well and have been greatly improved Most of them look 10 years younger than 'they did three months ago" straighten him It was a desperate struggle and a stride past the post Gladynev was in front At the same time the honors of the race were entirely with Beau livre who is the same age as his com patriot and was conceding him 35 lb msionan was a gooa tnira just ing High Caste who was just in of Mac Rob Next was Brazen who ran a surprisingly good race Apostrophe ran a good trial the Melbourne Cap Gladynev was unlucky He did not get away well and was badly placed leaving the straight In consequence he had to make his run on the extreme outside all the way and as it was run he looked unlucky Remarc and Rex elt both tired badly in the straight Maikai was never a possibility and True light failed to run the journey right out as did El Golea and Reading who approaching the turn looked very much like a winner BQUGHT OB 2344 GN'S Beaulivre was originally owned by the late Mr Higgins and on his death the Beau Pere horse was sold to hia present owner Mr Harnett at auction for 2900 gns Mr Harnett who is a retired New Zealand hotelkeeper had not previously raced horses but believing that Beau livre would carry his colors with dis tinction he decided to take a chance with eBaulivre Price haa trained meet of the winners Australia' rich race but Beaulivre was bls first Caul field Cap A Dewhurst who was not definitely WHO IS YOUR BEST RIEND? THE MAN WHO WILL LEND YOU MONEY WHEN IN NEED LET ME SUPPLY THE MONEY I om making specialty of such os £3 £5 £10 upwards and lending sums to Householders and Woge eomers repayable at SMALL weekly or fortnightly instalments PRIVACY GUARANTEED I HVVK RIX 2nd loor PAKINGA BUILDINGS HINDLKY ST ADILAIDL 4128 Leader Sees Defence Corps Men Nearly 5000 veterans of the Great War who are again working for the defence of Australia took part in a spec tacular parade in the South Parklands today IT was the first full parade of the interested spectators were the State 1 PCT Cnmc anrf Governor (Sir Malcolm Barclay Har Hoyai salute Army (Sena the Night for the STADIUM BLORIB Whitman iChamplOD) JOBNMT Paradice ChaUenan for the AuKtrno Middleveicbt Tit: Division BALAUNA iBacin Mr Mortloc 7 0 'R Carling' Amivill 'Amalfi Increased Strength OTTAWA October 18 Within months the Canadian Navy will crease its personnel by 10000 This wax annminred todav hv Minister of the Navy (Mr Macdonald) the nast three month there had been an average weekly increase of 350 in the number on active service At present the navy had 1577 officers and 11069 ratings He added that six United States de stroyers were still in Canadian waters No decision had been reached whether they would remain or join others serv ing in the Royal Navy Mr Macdonald also announced that the German freighter Weser which was captured by the armed merchant man Prince Robert off Manzanillo on the Pacific coast of Mexico had been renamed the Vancouver Island and Penaton Runs Wrong Way By Pistol Best backed of the six runners in the Yudnapinna Hurdle Race at Morphettville this afternoon Corodel easily defeated Sparkling Mirth and Sacrifice The Maiden Two Year Old was a sensational race There were 17 runners and Mr Wallace had trouble with them at the post When he released the tapes the odds on favorite Penaton turned and went the opposite way while two or three of the other runners were hope lessly left Chimerical (101) won LUNG HANDICA 'ti turloniti CK iWARD 7 4 iJ Thompson' 1 Cr 8 8'R Parson' 2 Vergure 8 13 A Knox 3 Othrs Denis 9 3 CoufW riving tvnistn inotnpsoi" Ann i 4 Bron iu a iN WBaon Won amazing torv in the Caulfield followed on his mysterious failures in the Epsom and Metropolitan Reonhvra ahavinB hl first T3CC Melbourne and his zreen and white splendid a A roa rarPPflPrS nort QC (The result wa that it was not until his number was hoisted that many people 'irnau whirh hnrss had won and thC1 Zealander trotted back to scale the six 1( 17 15 Banshe Pennant Pistolene Misi A Cochrane's brm To ight Early in 1941 uvi orxtttiMC AiDtralian pilots observers gunners produced under the air scheme would be in the the fight against Germany and Sharp in a 44 4 a Rourk i '6 12 7 8 Lady Baccha 8 3 Mule 5 £16 12 6 Eclair 7 9 inc 3 5b ll Biden rinre Virgin it tne 1 INE CUT 8d per os riJNNEVS MELBOURNE In a magnificent finish two New Zealand horses Beaulivre and Glady nev fought out the finish of the Caulfield Cup at lemington today A furlong from home Beaulivre was clear and looked like having a fairly comfortable victory but Gladynev threw out a strong challenge and although rapidly gaining on Beaulivre he was beaten by a head noi lucwy in me 3irignL I ONDON October The House of Commons has approved a motion for the appointment of a Select Com mittee to report on the conduct of Mr Robert Bnothby Parliamentary Secre tary to the Ministry of ood Meanwhile Mr Boothby has been sus pended kt his own request and the Prime Minister has taken steps to en sure the least dislocation at the ood Ministry as result of the suspen sion Mr Churchill moved the motion for the appointment of a Select Commit tee It will investigate the conduct of Boothby in connection with pay payments from certain Czech assets in Britain Mr Churchill explained that Mr Boothby took an active part when Bills were introduced in the House re garding the payment of claims in Bri tain from certain Czech assets which had been blocked ft the time of the German occupatitm of Prague He be came chairman of an informal commit tee which pressed for payment of claims in Evidence recently placed before the Government indicated that Mr Boothby had a financial interest in a large claim a fact which appeared inconsistent with a statement he had made to a former Chancellor of the Exchequer As there appeared to be a conflict between the evidence in possession of the Government and the facts as Mr Boothby described them Mr Churchill felt that the matter raised issues be sides that of privilege and he thought it best that it should go to a Select Committee Mr Churchill added Boothby has assured me that he concurs in the course proposed and will submit him self willingly to the committee and as sist it in every way did not consi der it fitting at this stage to call for hU resignation from the office he holds as this might appear in the eyes of the public to prejudice the issue How ever he has asked to be suspended from his duties and I am prepared to make the necessary BOW Phlltinsi Ron 8 0 Beresford Easting 8 0 Purtell: lute 8 0 Smith' PiccaQlliv Lass 8 0 Hhughesi Rose 8 0 Bao ar: Mis Roseville 8 0 'J Gilmore RTTING 1OICJAL 5 to Mona Nursery ji A0UV ror nine and a half WHISPER LOW 'Beau Constable s' brf 8 Coochbehar 'Law Maker North Star Mr bf 8 0 'E Preston' Ar Song La Chanteu' Mr Mortimer Dewhurst i Beckv behar it Hybrid Delver lute lee in fmnt Virgin Lady Baccha Adelaide Vaga Of the Others but he was hanging a irie and IlliKfr hut I Ladv Kidston 9 13 Selby 6 Sliver Bond 8 3 Births Marriages And Deaths BIRTH DEATH BEREAVEMENT EN GAGEMENT MARRIAGE AND IN MKMOR1AM NOTICES accepted for ification up to 1 pm daily Such nonce me be lodged to The Office or forwarded through any of the agencies Notice received after 1 will be inserted with Late Adver tisemems To guard against imposition Notice of Birth Marriage and Death mutt ba authentiea ed by a responsible pertoo to ensure insertion DEATH ARNOLD October 19 at Tanunda Id Anma beloved wife of Charles Arnold Aged 81 year BIRCH October I pH al Henley Beach Richard James Birch COLLINS Oo October Cronulla Victor Harbor band of the late Muriel eldest son of and street Unley la bi sixth rear Allendale Trial Stakes King Jollv wtt Placed her on the outside of the nearest to Balaurfa but he he home turn and although Ama Ulle and Prince Sura made a run in they never ot neari enough to threaten Balauna Misa Sabrem wa? favorite at 9 to 41 near rear of the field and even when she saved the not Yudnapinna Hurdle £100 Second horse £15 and One mile and five furlongs I 5 i CORODEL 'Monty King mim iwsrimw Mr mini 6 vrs 9 fl iC sosrkling Mirth 'King of rih Dorsdills Mr Bickford or br aged 9 5 Smith' £5 10 i Sacrifice 'Amalfi Villers Brett Mr Eames' br aged a a rav £33 5 12 6 Denody td 3 Ct BETTING (OICIAL 7 la 4 fst La Sludeat 8 HARITH 1 Ltege ita Qm it artfalia IS Partebte sugh a Banagh High Read 8 elld Lugana Marvl yramaa Rtearda Race "tsrted at 3 1 Struan Handicap Of £135 Se ond horw £15 and th rd £10 niiir stiu a qusrirr 10 £18 5 VIRGIN CROWN gin Gold Wav Princess Mrs Host br yrs 7 9 inc Amateur Turf Ciub and the only two him a winner horses seriously backed were Luruoei who was a slightly better fa rite at fourth but the 3 to 1 favorite Kilo 11 to 8 than Denndya at 6 to 4 gram was a disappointment and was Corodel was slewed half round when always nearer last than first the barrier rose and at the nail miie post was near the rear of the field Near the mile post however he moved into a position behind Sparkling Mirth and Silver Spefd and when Silver Speed fell at the jump near the four furlong post Corodel was left in a handy position behind Sparkling Mirth Running to the laM hurdle Corodel drew clear and after jumping it cleanly he won hs first race in the colors ol Mr Badman owner of Aurie's Star and other good gallopers Denodys ran a bad race but there was an excuse fur him as he down and his rider Carlin dis mounted immediately after the horses had parsed the post Sparkling Mirth as usual pace and until Silver Speed was also contesting it with the RAN COURSE In the Maiden Two year old Chief Justice had jumped out a couple ot lengths in front of the rest of the run ners and looked a likejv winner until ne ran up near showed fell he leaders were taken out as Lady Kidaton 81: Banshee 269 Silver Bond 123 Elegant 462 Ladv Baccha 167 L'clair 312: Prince Virgin 101 Illualra 186 Langside 79 ADELAIDE 256 Heroic Chief 15: Illoric II: Kuniang 148 Sllva detle 31 The ooter 7 Vagarie 18 1 STEWARDS' INQUIRIES The stewards reported that in the' Maiden Two year old Penaton i I Selby) was in line but as the barrier rose turned and went the other way £15 Hara It Amaville BALAVNA II Cabio mate 13 brllobl IS Bald King Balauna soon raced to the front and aa fifkt hafldpd Af tha thnc Lass and ing 'he aiy to King Jollv Amaville Cabin male Drinacre and Lustre Glr) At the fur 1 long post Balauna had the race won and rdv orite Amaville bv two lenoths with Prince 1 Bir lenstna aiiv tnirn sheiLuatre Girl aa neat and then came Cabin mate King Jollv Blarney Stone end Chri tobel atrh Night Lark and Bold King the st i me a Race started at 331 SUPERIORITY ubo won the WIL llppa lying Handicap al Morphett ville today Lupina Dlth Dvlly Lirnond Las and Chief Justice with Petalie Dt Vernon and Man date the iat three Time Race started at 159 1 Allendale Trial Stakes Of £85 Second horse £10 and third £5 furlongs irst 2 6 14 10 Sakao Theiss Goodwood Cycling Postponed Because of the state of the track Drofesaional track cvcllns meeting down for today at the Goodwood Recreation Reserve was postponed until next Saturday Those attending the track formed a working bee to put the track in order for this pur pose Ron EaUlng Dividends Win 7 6 Place 6 9 A furlong from home Whisper Low inside ana Coochbehar were on terms and in a good tussle Whisper Low defeated Cooch behar bv a bead Ar Song was tour length awsy third Then came Hybrid Miss Rose 1 ville lute Easting Ladv Ron Piccadilly1 Lass Argenter Rose lver with Becky I snarpe tast lime ec Caulfield Cup Of £6500 and gold cup valued £150 One mile and a half BEAULIVRE NZ (Beau Paas Book) Mr (' Harnett's brh 4 yrs 9 4 I A Dewhurst) Gladynev NZ Caviare) Mr 8 7 (N Historian Mr River Vai jbv the training they have had len Time 1 38 ajtt Royal Head Iav Kidaton Langsid I nee Virgin lllorie After the field had settled down Langside I led from Vagar'e Adelaide Illoric Punce Virgin Heroic Chief end Kuniang with Eclair and The ooter the last two Laa I side led past the half mile from Banshee I rte Illnrie and Illimtra I 'the straight entrance bv Banshee tne otners peine lov Prince Virain lllorie and Knntana finished welt and defeated IJloric by helf a thev were together with reckles mov Then came Kumarg Lady Kitfstnn Lady Baccha Ulu'ra Langside and Elegant with ooter Heroir Chief and Bond th THREE AN DOl YEAR Thompson' 1: alve 8 6 Hughe' 3: His lordship 7 0 'O Young' 3 Outn ness 7 13 Parsons' Opportunist 7 12 A Gillardi Braxen Boy 7 5 Hickey Re union 7 3 'J A Knox': Overjoyed 8 13 'J Dunean Kestrel 8 7 Wilson Rodrigo i inompaon' 8 His Lardshi I Rennies Rodrlge 14 Kestrel Won be neck 2ll len: I 25 7 fl 10 Croupland 'Croupier Rnnw Land' Mr A Graetx bag 4 vrs 7 5 Ckrling 15 £23' The Riff 'Chief Ruler Messrs Badman and Richmond bg 7 7G Wallace 12 fl £22 5 Kilogram 8 4 Bas tian' 8mond 8 3 tne 3 lb all 'R Elder' 5 iflfii Air Ifi Dwsmw £11 3 8 14 Corrln 7 5 inc 4 lb TWO YEAR OLD STAKES 'five furloni CRADLE ONG 8 0 Thompson 1 unnv 8 5 A Hunter' 2 Condanltr I iJ Couttsi 3 Gregory 8 5 Darke Ooidbrook 8 5 Thompson' Dick I Whittington 8 5 James Parsing 8 5 1 Cook' Chatham's Promise 8 5 i A Kncx King Herod 8 5 Hickey: Pancert 8 5 i' Shram Sir Delhi 8 3 iA Ward Vlven Leign 8 is cracknein: Magi 8 Smiths Heritrix 8 0 'J Duncam: Blonde Dame 8 0 Hughesi: Belle Martian 8 Parsons' Wen by 4 len len 1 I 3 to I agat CRADLE SONG Dick Whittington 7 to King Herod It's tunny 8 Goldbroek 2ti Condig CITY TATTERUA1L HANDICAP 'one mile 2 and a quarter SEVEN ITY 8 8 Sheen 1 Bourbon 8 8 Couttsi 3 ear Ifess 7 7 Hickey 3 Redunum i9 8 'A Hanev Hope 9 I 'A William 1 Cooranga 8 9 Parsons: Old Rowley 8 8 a Dlwal Uwva AR rinnebMi AljVa' CJiUlllR Kl Daafleefl 1 ft iP tVlnH tz Golea 9 3 IN Creighton) High Caste lH Hughes Lord Valentine 7 11 'P Phil lVVTb i i numpuii on 4 8 4 McCarten whttnvi Won bv a abort head Iona nrtd 1 lU ILff 23 irur iigni 1 JZ Apostrophe 7 9 (R Med Romeo 7 8 (H Olsen) for the same race gjo 17 horses! The stewards reported that Kuniang 5 second iR Carling 1 received interference 74 1 auut me scven iur ong post tne £8 11 Chimpr cal IK a yht'nn' 11 veaw Il Uy VII Artfu1' raced t'Eclair iR Elder) running in too closed3 7 10 ay par a Thomas and ia trained tn him fm nv i 1 naaen by manded it rim 1 Dreamsome Whitaker in Zt AT HOME TURN Wtllippa lying Handicap was 4 yrs Seiwood) Beau ila Parchment Eccles brh 4 vrsM 8 4 I A Rrwaalwv i She Maikai 9 8 'D Munro money from Sooth Australia and Weitern Australia was responsible for True light's return to favorit ism High Caste firmed again towards barrier rise he started eequal second favorite with Reading who from 11 1 overnight firmed to 6s History was steady in the market and so loo was Gladvnex Beaulivre was marketable nt 10 1 but actually he was not a horse that the public backed to anv extent At the start Royal Comet was res tive Katanga kicked out and struck' neaaing on nis near hind leg Actually Beaulivre who No I won the race because perfect start He leapt out a length or so Crtrnn ICdnwrm Rtmnn iu viubii irvupiino cunuiiura to oacrince dlxpute lead and turned for home ahead or Air Lan no had moved up fat fol lowed bv Pondela The RtfT Simond nd Kilogram Alter a head and head atruggle Virgin Crown defeated Croupland by a head The a long neg awxv third Pon dela Kilogram Bimond Cornn and Air Daah followed Tim 374 Race tarted a 3 38 Willippa lying Handicap Of £115 Second horse £10 and third £5 Six furlong SUPERIORITY CsrUngi 1 Whimdeal Laax Leesuei 3 Prince Sacco iH Patching) 3 Dreamaome Whitaker Prince Baeco Patching' Salaxtur Graham' Whimatcal Laaa Leetuei Pimlleo (A Graham 1 Tor Lea iR Ptoltett) Superiority variing' rving aim iv oeioy Baccna 'o lumiaon aaaraaaai Sbalah Stockey Bohema Lady Verona 'G Wallacei Moore Wyeela Halil BETTING (OICIAL Even Dreamawme 8 ta I agL SUPERIORITY Of furlong PARXNTENA Neoxena) Mr McGrath bg 4 yr 9 0 0 Sholh lurino 1 Mrs A Tuck a bg Ori lWHUI Seymour Mary Stewart) Mi Zealley' aged 10 13 Dark David 13 5 Sweetnann: Tornarauk 11 3 Doug)aa Just David 10 9 Ryan) Gold Glare 10 3 Musical David 9 8 iJ Regan 1 Kant 9 88 McKee 1 Boomberry 9 iR Watt' Highland March 9 4 A Wagener' The Reckoning 9 3 rj Maben WadOov 9 3 'A McCoy) Robeaon 9 0 Abraham) Bold Brat 0 Roaaelyi Win £27 9 8 place £4 11 £1 13 10 BETTING (OICIAL A and Mrs A and Mrs Sale of Thoroughbred Hones THURSDAY 14th Oetober at am BARKER BROTHERS' KALEYARDS BROOKLYN PARK COLES BROS LIMITED in conjunction with BARKER BROTHERS 11! sell aa abort particulars and Catalogue on appU the Auctioneer NIT CASK Bwxwlaa at Rlwiw after tJi Mw Printed and Published by New Limited at US 120 North taxraca AUalAlde Ur 1 DVk Gallant Elsa' Mr Musgrave br 7 10 'H Badam neu 7'i2lndrtrri True 2 Barttei Damocle a 10 'P Simonds Velodty a 6 PurtelJ Plana Skie? yH Throttle iram Counsel 7 Bailey Dol ceil 7 Medhurst i Pro 7 0 Rebecc1' 8 Ream £1'5 £4i Petalie 7 11 iW Sharp) 13 (£1 nt Vernon VI rnu an 10' £1 2'8) Ooldacrip 7 10 iW Stocker) £8178 £3174) Brown Label 7 I iR over 8 TomlAOm 3 10 12 9 14' Pondela Winner trained bv own Win InveCMt Ct 44 niv5an ea £5 10 i Greek Star 9 0 Wil Place Invested £15! 12 8 2 8 I 1 IB 2 1 IR Bll A 4h At 7 a BETTING OIK I41 RHX 1 I I "Tnrr 'rtiwa ov jesxer Win Invested £86 2 fl Dividend 'for £1 a 4 nire invested itlut uivi 7 Virain I Oenda £4 10 £2 14 IreuaUnd I Crrln 14 Pangela A1P High Tstt Ar ha ni iimi lasmc'iffii ii i a Little Blarney Stone 7 1 Inc 1 Graham' 6 Cabinmate 7 0 Wai Beats Gladynev by Head In Great inish rank Godby for Mr Winterbot tom led most of the way to win the Gwyn Nursery He was one of the leaders in the early stages and drawing clear about a furlong from home it seemed as if he would have a comfortable victory but both Portfolio and Pyramus finished strongly and Bartie had to use his whip to make Harith do his best I The colt responded really well and an tni? finish tinn frnm Portfolio with Pyramus third Harith ran the five furlongs In 59 sec which Is only half a second outside the iemtnfton record for that distance At the second crossing Law Student jumped it and appeared to dip on land ing The result was that he lost ground and on swerving in he anoeaHed to in weight lerfert? Wlt Liege while Portfolio was ii amavialso checked the rich Randwick han This incident gave Harith a cnance io oraw away it should not I be long before Pyramus wins Port able ran a good race and so did ield 6 uui ijkkc ciiict trie interierence which he received did not seem to stretch out quite as well as expected DESPERATE STRUGGLE Whisper Low who is in the High Caste stable and was having her first race in Melbourne was regarded as I next door to a certainty in the Monal ID 1 A'nVAQ MHia auiy cameo out her contract but it was only after a desperate struggle that she reached the post a head in front of Coochbehar Over the final two furlongs never more than a head separated the pair but the Sydney filly ridden in Bartle's style finished slightly the better as ha a great innings in Melbourne in the last year or so com a double on Whisper Low Whisper Low ran the 44 furlongs in a second ou5ide Burwood Handicap MMI UUv horses Plana was the medium I a sensational plunge 6 to 1 Plana was such persistence that she firmed to 5 to 2 and started at i to i HARITH LED ALL WAY Harith who carried Maikai's colors Jews Barred rom Public Life in rance LONDON October Ifi A Vichy de cree bars Jews from Darticination in handed over to the merchant I public life in rance also from torn AAJ I private activities ster) Katanga nex reu Wilson 8 Rob 8 0 'E 'J PurtelD hurst): Sir Hathersage 7 4 'H Hanley) Alarm 7 4 (A Cooper) Royal Cornet 7 3 iW Elliot) reckles 6 13 (N Percival) Remarc 6 10 (T Unkovich) David Spear 6 10 (Ron Hall) John Dorv 6 7 Gilmore) Brazen King 6 1' (J Crossmgham win £318 plee £19 nent Entering straight it vious that could not win and Remarc shot away to be clear two fur longs i High Caste at this Sir Locket stage was under pressure but was I plugging on gamely Hex reit was Of £joo Ibemp hard ridden long Beaulivre shot up into second place i harith Hrtnera Reaj Mirth) Mr Clodvni' u'le flnuhmff fact wd nut W'mterbottom be fl A niii im mir pnr pot virsin crown and Croupisnd rr two while Apostrophe was even further out than Gladynev and Breasley was look Mr Cornn Kdoertm Simond Ind At? Dh in8 for a run on Historian i Musgrave brc 8 0 Bader) rugn DU4fh Hartney) ietldlDg 8 0 Philllpii Gamelln 8 0 Tehani Harith 8 8 1 Bartte) Aloe HilL 8 0 iK Smith': Basalt 0 iJ La student 1 SL Volunteer Defence Corps and Governor (Sir Malcolm veY who was given a UlC iiijpv' nui i Kjy mu lii'put igi in i Chief of the corps (Gen Sir Harry Chauveli who arrived today was his first official act since his appointment recently Other identities at tne parade which was watched by many thousands of trontPart 'n celebration Before the nn in nrrrcmn nf hnsls Mrs I Cnllev wne oi rne cvmmouure criristeueu a new iz rt class dinghy the nrst given to the club by an anonymous doner from St Kilda Victoria A strong west to wind en abled fast sailing conditions The Nyroca the flagship had on board as official eupstx Tariv Muriel Rarclav I Harvey the Mayor and Mayoress of rori Aaeiaiae 'Mr Good Commander Symonds and Lieut Commander A Greening and Mrs Greening Com modore Tolley took the salute amid rousing cheers from all crews Randwick Races IYDNEY City Tatteresalh Handicap was the principal race on a six event programme decided at Randwick today Results: NOVICL HANDICAP on? mile DEWAR 7 1 1(5 hltnAV I Shein 3 Marlobg 8 3 Tbompxom 3 mnfr wptzri a A stder 8 3 Prons Parabil 8 'A Har Ivev: aid Denn fl 1 iA Ward' Mud Oi I Ireland 8 1 Phillips avorite 7 5 Huflhesi Spun Wool 5 iN Wilson' Trig i rrmin 7 5 'J Thompson My Veil 7 3 A roamore urava i i lev 1 uarainer Won by half a neck Maiden Two Year Old Of £100 Second horse £10 and third £5 Pour and a half furlong £117 8 CHIMERICAL iVlrrln Gold Artfuh Mr A Thoma' 7 1 iR Carlinfli I £183 8 £28) Irish Queen Irish Pridei Mr Giles brf 7 1 Wallace' 2 7 8 £3 3'8 Ladmond 'Ltmond isoflcetest Mr Hall's bc 7 11 Raven) 3 £72'12 8 £54' Penaton 8 9 Selby) £1340 (£3313 8 Chief Justice I I (O Mule) 18' ft Iceland 8 1 (J Steven) 3 8 Mandat 8 I A Graham £1 8 Sir Rarjo 8 1 Patlin aoni £1340 Dilly Dally 7 11 (C APOSTROPHE'S GOOD TRIAL When Beaulivre cot clear the race looked all over but then Gladynev cloudy Bay a 6 Hwhen finishing with great determination and 8 a Brraai Lfeye 8 a Dewhurtti desperately ridden bv Seiwood kept 'H Olsen) Hih Road a (Ron on gaining he hungi'L porttlWe Morri' Port folio 8 0 Purtell' Mnr i sightlt and his small rider had a Nichoin: Phratry a Preston' to stop riding him momentarily to select a Williamson) statu Quo 8 6 A A 1 several lengths by cutting round home turn on the inside she could improve her position as and the only other outside the placed hore to impress at aU Lustre Girl who finished fairly well and might do better in a longer race 'rKlden bv Carhng no had voted on Chimerical in the previous race ADLAIDfc'R Virrnuv Langside was the early leader the! Bedan Welter and xlUl had charge mto Banshee and Ladv! Baccha were the most prominent At I half a h'es tno7 the bLnUchS aAndf 'hf Cal'do" Kuniang finished verv fat over th idULO1R' and another strideould have gained a place but Elegant could not go the early pace and wa ne'er a poasibilitv The former Victorian Silver Bond'6 Wil rimn klrl I form and um last home Adelaide DDu a tt I Mullen and she gave her trainer 17 6 Jesser who had son) With rnrv4l ln i 5 uuic VlRGLY CROWN WINS I tn tt I iuuiip virgin row had the advantav nt th running over Croupland but although I 4 Denadva 7 sr fairly SMrWBf Mtth Segan tn roupaPd Denodv and Greek Star cleared the fit oegan tn overtake him again over the i hurdle in front of silver 8ped Senfi 8prkl1n Mirth with Cnrndel iait Pi ICt the ai( furlnn nnat Rnarklfnv Mirth Silver Speed had drawn out tour length from Corodel and Denodys with rhe other pair beaten off Silver Speed loet hi rider the lump near the flve furlong poL leaving Sparkling Mirth in front of Corodel Coro del caught Sparkling Mirth before 'he lau hurdle and defeated nim hv three tnd half length with Sacrifice 10 length awav thiru Denody was fourth with Greek Star al Tima 3 I Redan Welter £115 Second horse £10 and third one mue 7 6 12 7 6 ADELAIDE 'Caledon Ednater' Mr Malian cm vrs 7 7 Raven' 2 Illoric 'Illustrious Dendoric Mr A Wright bg 4 yrs 7 7D Wright i Knight 8 4 iG Slue Podmorei Manhue 6 10 bv len len 1 12 7 0 18 ft Illustra 7 8 Stockeri Langside 7 8 A Grahatr 1' Heroic Chief 7 0 inc 7 lb all Himmllh a i ri7 it i iriiew 1 Iter It uas caused by i Ina line in too osel anvaaene i i 8 jomi Elder was severely repri Th ooter i 3 Little A 4 IR A A 4 a ft tA VRfRMr 1V MBiRViCn Winner trained by Jesser Invested £130 12 0 £8 4 I riaee mvextea 155 Dlvldends 3 13 Early the first division of the stubborn and inclined to kick and the £22 13 £2 io nAMJai I I gfaplAl Lzvf La 1 ft ETTlNIi (UrrlCIAL 4 to 1 ary riegani io aantne ADELAIDE 15 to Eelalr by half a head Dan V7 nun Maikai Tflue i 4xRqIOcIp8 ftn tfaiA I vaa vvuuorj ll HEfi lM Gwyn Nursery rvi win ano geiainy nvt rur iPwr QoiKrrr Cluk Beaulivre was flrat away but at the mile 1 1 kCXUUlK V4UU and a quarter reckle had raced to the front A mils from home he vu sun show 1 fl ing the way Reading improved hi pot 5 I JTAnQ Uon racing to the seven and six turlonaa Uvllu LvGuUH from home he took charge from reckle mQ to 60 1Pnlh dr IDEAL sailing conditions prevailed on ot Remare Remarc raced oat nrt'n I on" 10 lfte turn nd entering the straight) ine rorv nVCT iru' the was followed bv Rev it when th Port Adelaide Sailing Club BKTUSG 'OICIAL 3 to 1 aiVr fround) Golea Beaulivre I held its official opening About 150 Beaulivre unund a rnSna" Jnd ttL Sr! Jir ehreiny a non niaek Lerend 2L fr imwvo a vownw Bill Mia Rebeeea rom Gladynev and hung on to Locket Praeella defeat that gelding bv a head Historian Seudon took the ii ta and a quarter away third Hish and was not afterward headed She XSi 0Lh leWh Then me aight eiear of Dollar rii ni King Katanga Legend and then Dark Althouwh Dory Remarc Rex elt finished well Session Hum on A1rm Wllaon David Spear bv hw 4 141 9eeal him Maikai Tflue 1ht El nm d4i ana MiinsMia ith raobia ft Wyuna Steeplechase £900 About two mile and half 15 Prince Sura Ie Soun au Araneai Mr 0 12 inc 7 lb all 'G Leeter A i(Hi Drinacre 9 0 BelbV 12 0 £26' Mu Sabrem 0 8 A Adam' 12 0 5 Lusire Girl 7 8 iC Power £5 Bold King 7 4 A Graham' 0 £8 15 ChriMobel 7 4 inc 1 over Malavich £1 12 0 Night Lark 7 5 Inc 2 engaged to ride eBaulivre until noon yesterdav was seen at his best on the New Zealander INE WIN BY SESSION Session a Sydney filly who is here to run in the Oaks as her main mission led most of the way to win! the Burwood Handicap It waj a i oertormance on sessions part as she was drawn very wine at the mile a grave disadvantage at lemington Beginning well she was in front at lurinrikx anti dJUJUUKii biiv a without receiving many cheer? tiring rapidly at the finish Cephreni In Svdney he was never a possi just failed bv half a head to catch her bilitv in The Metropolitan but evi Dark elt was a useful third but dent'y the change to Melbourne had over the last furlong and a half he improved him and he ran a game race hardly looked like winnirvg TW 14 'TUvzsiflA 4 84Nriap in tai ni a KDaiiitvrp rPriirnNii 229 which is three quarter nf a second best while Industry and outside the lemington record for a finished fairly close to 5 ew i I A vS4R 6 a I WELL PLACED ALL WAY I Throughout the race Beaulivre waj Iu pII was second mile £30 7 0 King jolly 70 Ha'l and a quarter from home and although win £IM is 8 he dropped back to fifth or Sixth pass 1 Place invested £177 10 Dividend 3 10 ing the mil? he was always in the ifaaini? division nen me siraiEnt was ntere1 he shot past Remarc and and who like that horse is trained by his courage pulled mm rnrougn True light the favorite pea red lo have every chance a badly placed earlv but moved up Into a nice position at the half mile where he was along side Beaulivre but he was beaten soon after entering the straight and finished a long way back Beaulivre has been one of the most discussed horses of recent years be cause of the many strange incidents 1 wmen nave attended him since he came to Australia He is alleged to have been "got at" or nobbled before he ran in the Doom ben Newmarket in July hut recovered to win the Doomben Cup the following 1 Saturday Then followed his splendid victories 'oxer High Caste and other good horses ui o'unr) in me eariy spnn for age races and then came ing lanures in dicapv LOOD High Caste overnight eased on the course until 8 1 was on offer while True light flrpied and started favorite at 9 2 TREBLE TO CARLING I Carling who had ridden Chimeri I cal and Balauna to victory and had been' narrowly defeated on Croupland made his record three wins and a second i for the day when he landed Superior ity a winner in Handicap from Prince Bacco Dreamsome who urraru nuul played up at the barrier and this may sur to and nave anecieo ner cnance oecause was never really dangerous DOUBLES TOTE There were 2266 tickets worth £566 10 issued on the doubles tote which I was conducted on the Redan Welter and the Willippa lying Handicap The tickets on the runners in the first leg BETTING (OICIAL 9 lo tft True light 8 Reading High I ate Gladynev Hialorlan BEAl LIVRE 14 Maikai Katanga Rea eit Mae Reb Alarm Apeitrophr 4fl Wil Jahn Dary Golea Remare uneral Notices Tb mM of the iat Mr IDA EMMA ARNOLD are recpectfully Informed that br anaral will Leave her tote Residence Taouod on BUNDAY at 3 om tor the Tabor Oetoeun PR1YTAO Undertaker Phone 18 Tanund BIRCH pnentu ot the ioie Mr? HANNAH BIRCH erldow of Richard JatBM Birch are mpaetfuilv informed that her uneral all! Leave the Residence ol her Daughter ikln Trembathi W8 See view roal Henley Beach on BUNDAY at EM om for the Mitcham General Cemetery JARVIS SON MILDRED Undertaken Hyde Part and Kingood Phone 1333 and 2377 COLLINS The riend of the late Mr PERCY COLLINS of Crooulta Victor Harbor are eeapeetfnlly Informed that hl uneral will Leave the Reaidence ot hit mi Bi 41 Er 12 JE.

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News from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)


What is Adelaide Australia best known for? ›

Accessible experience highlights: Adelaide is known for its scenic national parks that are brimming with wildlife, and many of these offer accessible facilities. The stunning Adelaide Hills wine region also promotes stellar accessible and inclusive experiences to explore.

Why is Adelaide so special? ›

Adelaide is ranked as the third most livable city in the world, famous for artisan produce, vibrant nightlife, lush green parklands, and new-age shopping precincts. Unsurprisingly, South Australia's capital is a hidden gem of indigenous culture and a perfect metropolitan city to live, study and raise a family.

Why are people moving to South Australia? ›

South Australia is one of the more affordable places to live and work in Australia. Homes are affordable with more than two-thirds of residents owning their homes.

What is the main newspaper in Adelaide? ›

Latest Adelaide and South Australia News. The Advertiser.

Which US city is most like Adelaide? ›

With so many similarities between them, the decision for the Adelaide, and Austin, Texas, USA to become sister cities in 1983 was easy.

What is Adelaide known for food? ›

Try these Adelaide foods that have reached legendary status.
  • Beerenberg Farm. Chances are, you've had their products before. ...
  • Fruchocs. Fruchocs has been around since its creation in 1948 from a family company that's been around for 150 years. ...
  • Kitchener Bun. ...
  • Pie Floater. ...
  • AB.

Why are people leaving Adelaide? ›

Brain drain highlights opportunity challengeSouth Australia is losing its younger residents as they depart Adelaide for the eastern seaboard, enticed by perceived greater job opportunities and an appealing lifestyle.

What language is spoken in Adelaide? ›

The Adelaide dialect, also known as South Australian English, is a unique variety of English spoken in Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia.

Is it better to live in Sydney or Adelaide? ›

Living in Adelaide is a much more pleasant and affordable city than Sydney. For the few people who have lots of money then Sydney probably is a lot more exciting and challenging place but for the general population it's preferable to be at the top of a small city than being an also-ran in a big city.

How much is the Sunday mail in Adelaide? ›

List of newspapers in South Australia by circulation
NewspaperTown/regionRetail price
Sunday MailAdelaide, Statewide$2.70
The Advertiser (Monday-Saturday)Adelaide, Statewide$1.40
Northern Messenger$0.00
Weekly Times Messenger$0.00
40 more rows

What are the red top newspapers? ›

Red tops. The term "red tops" refers to British tabloids with red mastheads, such as The Sun, the Daily Star, the Daily Mirror, and the Daily Record.

Who owns the advertiser in Adelaide? ›

The Advertiser is a daily newspaper published in Adelaide, South Australia. It was first printed on 12 July 1858. it is owned by News Limited.

What is special in Adelaide? ›

We've also been named a Great Wine Capital of the World. Adelaide is a gateway to some of Australia's best wine country and home to a bustling bar scene. We've got world-class events, historic buildings, lush parklands and some of the country's best beaches.

What is iconic to Adelaide? ›

Adelaide Landmarks
  • Adelaide Oval. 3,096. Points of Interest & Landmarks. ...
  • National Wine Centre of Australia. 620. Educational sites Admission tickets from AU$25. ...
  • Carrick Hill. 332. Gardens. ...
  • North Terrace. 599. Historic Walking Areas. ...
  • The Rundle Mall Pigs. 729. Monuments & Statues. ...
  • St Peter's Cathedral. 297. Churches & Cathedrals.

What are three interesting facts about Adelaide? ›

Things to know about Adelaide
  • It's a UNESCO City of Music. ...
  • It has many independent markets. ...
  • It's a wine capital of the world. ...
  • It's nicknamed the '20 minutes city' ...
  • It is one of the best places in the world to buy opals. ...
  • It is built on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people. ...
  • Coffee is a pretty big deal.
Oct 18, 2023

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.