Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Telephone REnublic 1234 26 TIMES Around the MONDAY MAY 15 1939 Telenhone REnublie 1234 Put Putting rom Albany to New York THE YEAR Do It Every Time By HATLO OOMMOMHa KWITH1teAas In a Dither Khoda ChrUtmaa Charles Town Program NEW YORK Clayton Bishop fire chief of 1936 He completed the down the Hudson ALBANY TO WINNER SET RECORD BATTING (6) 13 3 11 7 3 9 12 a fi ll 3 GEEANING THE NEWS ALONG York up his BARNEY GOOGLE and SNUY SMITH Bv Billv DeBeck EXCURSIONS SUNDAY MAY 11 300 iikwy L1 mi'1 Ruxton BALTIMORE OHIO One third inning tTwo thlrds inning Onset Mass crossing the finish line to the arduous Albany to New York outboard motor marathon Bishop also won the event in SEE NEW SIGHTS com Uke 113 114 114 107 114 114 109 114 116 114 111 111 113 108 113 114 108 113 103 113 City Mln'poll St Paul 110 115 107 110 105 110 110 112 109 111 106 111 109 109 106 109 LISTENING TO A NBNLW ELECTED BEACHCOMBER I 5 I 16 11 that to picture CRNU and filliee 115115115Hi 115110 River journey of 130 miles in hours 11' minutes and 22 seconds He took the lead at INP I U6J RESIGN! I QUIT! NOU CAM TAKE THIS JOB Mike Jacobs licking his chops in anticipation of two more nice outdoor shots he has on tap Bettina Conn for the light heavyweight crown and Apostoll Krleger for the mid dleweight title They are al ready laying 8 to 5 on Conn and 2 to 1 on ApostolL Challedon Brings Glory to Sire Challenger 2d WL Pct 13 15 444 11 14440 0331 IT 310 lODER STAND HE SENT HlS WIE IK1 10 SEE THE BOSS NESTC2 ROUND TKI SOU mt UEREW A'LL GET TW SHERWG TC HEPlD ftttAO TW tON DONN Records 'fEH HEQurr UKK NAPOLEON Qtrr Moscow TROJANS AHEAD Trojans defeated orestville 6 to 3 yesterday on the dia mond as pitcher rank Stewart batted in five Trojan runs MMIMME RUXTON rimrvi 90 pnf HWirain MVtrol claiming 115 110 115 115 113 115 115 By PAT ROBINSON NEW YORK May 16 (INJ9) Along Broadway today we find the bookies giving the Henry Arm strong Ernie Roderick battle In London plenty of ice Some how they all feel sure Henry is going to blow his welter title on a foul And they think any punch he throws below the shoul ders is likely to be ruled out of bounds PITCHING BB SO IP GS GC 5 10 1 3 Mooty Tariff Comm United Typewriters Judd dt Dettweiler Somerville Times Streaks WELL WELL 1UAT WAA CERTAINLH TELLING HIM WALDO And speaking of hitters It looks if the Brownies have a clear case of non support against their own pitchers and why the boxing commission have its collective head examinedfor licensing Jimmy Slattery who was all washed up 10 years ago Jimmy says going to but hell butt his again Dislikes Heavy Track It was quite apparent that the champion of the Woods Memorial and the Derby not like the heavy track and only his trainer knows that all conditions were in his favor Rain did not begin to fall upon the racing strip until after working hours Saturday morning and there could be a sup position that itz simmons was a little overconft dent of his charge and believed him capable of running in muddy going in regular aluminum shoes which he ordinarily wears on a fast track At any rate he bother to have him calked up at the last moment Yet in all prob ability this was not the case and the son of Jamestown and La rance just does not fancy heavy going At any rate Challedon and track conditions certainly Old Mike Brady takes new job as pro at the Shawney Country Club this week And SEAT COVERS OR ALL POPULAR CARS Track Have Scribe ago Jimmy says train on milk need more than way into the have been taking It on the too often a co*ckeyed sea wails Eddie at the averages Banjo hitters like Kuhel Wasdell Mazzera Powers Myers and May hitting away up in telephone numoers And real hitters like Joe Moore and the Oene Moore even buy a base 000 101 2 000 000 000 302 102 04x 300 110 010 000 The trouble with our super horses today Is that they are defi nitely specialists They can be catalogued first like doctors ast track specialists Muddy track spe cialists Six furlong specialists Mlle specialists! And almost as if they had drawn up a code of ethics not one of these specialists will Infringe upon the other field Johnstown makes his hay money when the sun shines Chal ledon saves up his speed for a rainy day Who can say that one is greater than the other? They are both fine in their particular fields and until the weatherman can figure out a day that is dry and wet at the same time no one will be able to figure out how these two horses compare Johnstown appeared very uncomfortable in the mud at Baltimore a tremendously long free strider on dry footing he gave the impression of mincing like a woman crossing a wet street in the mud at the Preak He had shortened his stride almost to a chop at the mile and from that point on went completely to pieces DibtHhd inn Bottled bv The Baltimore Pure Rye Distilling Co Dundalk Md OLD tXUZZLEPUSS IBED HIM LIKE THE SHOT THAT VAS HEARD ABOUND WANT HEARD IT THE OLD MANS STENOSANS HE WAS I LkIVVA I rv im His MORE CHANCE Yankee line up within 10 days or so he says Bad news for Oene Bonin Patrick Edward Comiskey the punching Irishman returns to the wars against him tonight and that loud raucous laughter you hear is coming from the throat of Mickey Cochrane as he notes where the Tigers are in the American League Ten nis moguls are trying to get the stars to abandon spiked shoes for herring bone soles to save the grass and that reminds me Davis cup chances will be mighty slim If the army continues to hold their two aces Yvon Petra and Pierre Pelllzza Did you know that Leo Durocher fast as he is has stolen only 28 bases in 12 years in the ma jors? And since there is no law against it Harry Mendel is putting on his first summer 6 day bike grind in Madison Square Gar den tonight Selah just 28 years since he tied for the open at Chicago and then blew the play off to Mc Dermott Laugh of the week Hymie explanation for yelling at his fighters during a ooutsaid Hymie to the mission emotional Bette Davis already Chances are the New assembly will pass the mutuels bill this week and who would you back if George Washington Case of the Senators met Don Gutteridge of the Cardinals in a 100 yard race as a prelim to the all star game in July? Bad news for the other collegesSouthern going to send on another powerhouse squad for the I 4 A Cham pionships including Lou Zam perlniA 4:083 miler July 3 and 4 at Lincoln Neb Bad news for A pitchers Joe Di Maggio is walking well again and will break Into the suredlv convinced not play hot favorites that there is nothing certain in a horse race The mighty Johnstown having embarked upon a sea of impressive victories went down in a terrific defeat leaving Gilded Knight his stablemate to fight out the bitter duel with the bright bay son of imported Challenger and Laura By HENRY McLEMORE NEW YORK May 15 (UP) The way things are going now 1939 is likely to be remembered as the year that produced several pastures full of "greatest horses of all A week ago today in Louis ville I and most of my colleagues sprang to our typewriters and wrote that Johnstown was the greatest horse that ever lived We compared him and not un favorably to Napoleon the Taj Mahal by moonlight Man War the first printing press A Lincoln Washington and anything else that popped into our repertorial minds Practically as one man we pre dicted that before leaves were burned by small boys at the instructions of their mothers Johnstown would have made horse history and thrust himself prominently in the fore front of 1940 presidential possi bilities Watching him win the Derby by eight lengths we went to great lengths to let our public know that we knew a super horse when We saw one Is It Johnson? Now another Monday has come and I even remember how to spell that fool name that won the Derby Is it Jonston? Jahnsten? Johnson? Dam if I know AU I can think of is the great and super horse of all Challedon There is the greatest horse I ever saw and if I had the time I would compare him not un favorably to Napoleon the Taj Mahal by moonlight and any thing else that popped into my repertorial mind I saw him win the Preakness at Baltimore Satur day a race saw last horse finish next to last I know what horse be writing about next Monday but it would not surprise me at all to have another super horse come popping from the mists Argument Ends Elmir Binghamton 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 Elmira Blnrhamtnn Springfield 8 Scranton 3 (1st) Springfield 7 Scranton 4 (3d) AMNKAS LAMEST INDEPENDENT RYE DISTILLERY MAKES IT IT MUST Bf GOOD the saddest guy In our towns Edward Aloysius Bran nick Blue because his Giants CUMBERLAND MMbukwa 1100 Ha PHILADELPHIA 300 Chattar $100 WllmlaffaH A 0 fi AT BINGHAMTON (irst Gama)2 1600000 (Second Game) 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION IRST GAMES WLPct 10 9 526 9 10 474 3 11 421 5 10 332 Dixie 8 xGreen Water Pegadette Blond Reel UOjxSmall Devil llOMlss Trycom Rida 12 ooo 033 8 022 0 5 NEW YORK May 15 (INS) Clayton Bishop the daredevil fire chief is back home at Onset Mass today with the William Randolph Hearst Trophy an em blem of three remarkable feats: 1 That he won the 130 mile Albany to New York handicap mar athon motorboat race 2 That he is the first to cap ture the gruelling event more than once and 3 In doing so he hung up a new record in his Class out board craft Humarock Baby the same boat he used in winning the 1936 race He sped down the Hudson in 3 hours 11 minutes and 22 sec onds an average of 40681 to bet ter his own previous record speed of 3701 In second place was Arthur Wullschleger of Larchmond about 314 minutes behind Third spot was captured by Charles Mack of New Milford a few sec onds over 2 minutes behind the runnerup all River Team Wins Soccer Title ALL RIVER Mass May 14 An accidental shot into his own goal by Right Halfback red Lorenzi today helped St Michaels of all River win the amateur soccer champion ship by defeating the Gallatlns of Gallatin Pa 3 to 1 before 3000' spectators Weather clear track fast IRST RACE Six and One Half urlongs Elegant Dame (Shanks) Kissin Kid (Garrett) Redfoot (Nertney) 4 Lyde (Obert) Aster Princess (Palumbo) 109 Book Reader (VUlalobo) 106 Traumerie (Dufford) 109 8 Mr Mex (Munoz) ne choice: Redfoot Lyde Kissin Kid STANDINGS WlKpCtl Sprlntild 7 538 Albany 11 8 579 Wllko Serinton 16 9 SSSlSlmlra Blnth'ton 10 9 53lHarttord Showing Proves He Run in Mud By RHODA CHRISTMAS Maryland closed its spring rac ing season on Saturday and dropped the curtain in a blaze of ner son win 1939 The de WL Pct 17 2 880 17 2610 XV 1U 084 1014QO 15 13 536Loulvllle 113 108 108 ini 118 108 112 A Three year olds town 112 105105 109 relations WITH THE IRM Christmas Presents AT CHARLES TOWN Kissin Kid Redfoot Aster Princess 2 Suneen lagetta Repass Brooke Herod Sundrops Razzle Dazzle 4 Waugh Pop Night Play Acci dental 6 Hi Blaze Toothpick Star Mint 6 Dizzy Dame Royal Business Cornwallis Sylvia Dark May Au oln 8 Minna Counter Pass Gay lass Ill 4 7 1 wn wo use VT our ftCROSX XW 'KBUIR'I RORE SUN Kt'S 3S' UftSUE SEV ER a OR WOT halted this fast parade to the throne of King of the Ameri can Turf What makes mud horses? No body has been able to tell How ever there are many theories but all without concrete foundation Some contend that horses possess ing small feet are able to negoi ate the deep footing contending that because of the size the horse is able to draw the foot from the heavy mud with the least resls tence Then there are others who that those with broad rounded feet are more capable for this effort believing that the larger feet will not sink as deeply and consequently their running is less tiring These are only per sonal conclusions and have been found wanting in real facts Ability Inherited The only substantial knowledge which reveals any enllghtment upon mud running horses is that it is definitely a hereditary char acteristic There are families which means strains of individual blood lines that transmit the powers of running on either fast or slow going This ability was handed down strongly to our Maryland Preakness winner Challedon through his sire Every horse sired by Challenge 2d can run as well or better in the mud as on a fast track Pompey a son of Sun Briar and Cleopatra is an other sire who passes on this strong tendency 105 Hurdy Gurdy 105 Tulavrlaa Lad 110xHaaratown BeyiOS 105 Halan 165 110 Kannar 110 Tha Pinhandlt and upward clalminr nnaa Pancadar 11b xLadatta 1 jO xElaia 108 SECOND RACE About four and one half furlongs Dear Grade (Garrett) ather Ttead (Hamer)? 3 lagetta (Johnson) Princess Lady (Munoz) 5 Time Breaker (Thomas)6 Ann Groucher (Kirk) Suneen (Nertney) 8 Repass (Root) choice Suneen riagetta Repass THIRD RACE Charles Town Course Shorts (R Root) Dunrita (A Diliddo) 3 Sundrops (A Cole) Razzle Dazzle (H Lauch) 5 Brooke Herold (Palumbo) lying Carpet (Marshio) 7 Cautious Bo (G Cardoza) 8 Tuleyries Star (Machado) Tuleyries Star Brooke Herod Cautious Bo OURTH RACE Charles Town Course Night Play (W Obert) Ill 2 Jada 106 3 Ruth Lerner (Peck) 110 4 Strumming (Root) 106 5 Waugh Pop (Johnson) 119 EASTERN LEAGUE AT ALBANY Williamsport'0 1 0 1 8 0 0 0 Albany 00001008 4 (Second Game) Williamsport 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ainany 1 a 0 4 AT HABTORD (irit Game) Wilkes Barre 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Hartford 0180100 (Second Game) Wilkes Barre 0 0 1 0 8 Hartford 0 0 1 0 0 glory on home bred Challedon ner of the Preakness echoes of light resounded to Glade Valley arm in red erick county where fresh tribute was paid to imported Challenger 2d the sire of the victor And the re sult most as those who will BEITZELL AHEAD Stover BMtietl Toledo 066 002 4 2 3 Columbus 807 000 11 15 0 Morris Diets and Parsons Tighe Andrews and Bremer Indianapolis fiOO 010 100 2 4 1 Louiavilla 001 003 4 10 0 rench Sharpe and Moom Weaver and Lewis Kansas City 114 100 010 2 10 12 1 St Paul 302 111 060 3 10 0 Vanes Reis Bonham Ba bich and McCullough Riddle Boylls Hemsley and Schluoter Passk Milwaukee 000 100 3 1 Minneapolis 140 000 3 3 6 re and Hsraandss Hogeett and Lacy SECOND GAMES Indianapolis 100 020 I 1 Louisville 020 600 6 0 Bales and Baker Wagner CONN SOUGHT OR TITLE BOUT (Conllnuei from first sport page) uled to fight for the weight as it Is called in Great Britain and the British board of boxing control wlll reo ognlze the winner as light heavy weight champion of the world The British board considers the light heavyweight title vacant John Henry Lewis of Phoenix Ariz was not allowed to meet Harvey In a title bout here re cently The British board ruled Lewis had impaired vision in one eye and was not physically able to enter the ring Critchley said the proposed bout between Conn and the win ner of the McAvoy Harvey fight could be held either here or in New York pollA Columbus Tolsdo REGAL LEAGUE 0 0 6 3 6 0 Recognizes Bettina AsChampion NEW YORK May 15 (UT) The New York Boxing Commission probably would not recognize a bout between Conn and the win ner of the McAvoy Harvey fight as being for the light heavyweight championship of the world Melio Bettina is recognized as the light heavyweight champion by the New York commission and attempts are being made to match Bettina and Conn for the cham pionship John Henry Lewis is recognized as light heavyweight champion by the National Boxing Association which controls boxing in almost every State except New York INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE IRST GAMES Jersey City 014 000 5 12 6 Montreal 010 000 3 10 6' Batteries Joiner Wittig (8) and Pad aen lexer ztanem (3) itogeri Paynick (9) and Hartje Newark 800 000 300 Buffalo 200 061 021 2 Batteries Haley Branch (1) Barley (9) Ruitso (9) and Georges Kowallk Arcner U) smitn (a) ana savino rjRKimore too nu Syracuse 000 000 Batteries Matusak and West and Warren SECOND GAMES Baltimore Syracuse Toronto Rochester Jersey City Montreal Newark Buffalo ADER DRILLING OR LONDOS TI Jack Hader the reformed Kan sas baker boy today entered Into the serious business of training for his championship wrestling match with Jimmy Lon dos the recognized titleholder Thursday night at Arena The self styled Kansas pointing for the most im portant match of his colorful career has workout this afternoon at the Arena ourteenth and Streets and the public are invited Hader known the country over as a first class villain has Al Kakhsh the expert as his train ing companion Bakhsh veteran of many a wrestling battle trained Londos Rudy Dusek Bobby Bruns Joe Turner Ed Meske Gino Bari baldi and Ray Steele for impor tant matches He has been Kader's chief trainer ever since Jack moved from Kansas to Washing ton three months ago Southwest Team Tops Dyer A 5 1 Southwest Market unlimited tos sers added to their victory string yesterday trimming Dyer A 5 to 1 ITH our yar old and up ward claiming: puraa 3400 6 fur longs Mamuck lOSIKalelda 101 Crowing Over 102iTruthfully 103 Scoutallow 108lHandlay 113 xRough Buddy 108iNathan Hal 117 Also xShanteb lOIICentermarch 117 Irish Vote 113IGolden Key 113 Pacemaker 113lxl Do 108 SIXTH RACE our year olds and upward claiming purse 400 6 fur InnM lashing Steel HOiAce of Trumps 110 Trixie Lass 105 Gemwlek 105 Jinnea! 105 Hurdy Gurdy 10g Mies Epe 10lTuleyries Lad110 Also nisaup Call Me Anne Schley Buek SEVENTH thf'ee year olds purse 3500 11 16 Happy Road 118 Boy 110 Last Scamp 113 vn Ai xoea mu EIGHTH RACE our year olds and upwards claiming purse 8500 lA miles Never Idol Hera109 War Rumor 110 Lew Dunlin 110 Itaamsld 105 Clever Giri 105 Heart Play lOllPetea 14 110 Also The Swagman 112lCanlmar 118 xBank Holiday 101 gChllly EbHa 100 xDoctor'a Glft10lAu oln 110 Post time 3:30 CREEL BROTHER! 1311 I4fh Dfcirit xGee Sharp 110 ranuoramini Hasty Hanna 115 Alao Good Gracious 1151 xMim Wing 110 Morvim 115 SECOND RACE our year olds and upward flHles and mares claiming purse 3400 about 4H furlongs xun sea iv xBlue Prelude 110 Baby Witt 115 Cate Cradle 116 Alao xioay wen xScold xCanter Belle THIRD our year olds and up ward claiming purse 2400 6 fur longs Top Shell Justa Jimmie Guinea Law Skye Lassie Also Pukka Heaven lOSIDueky Devil iLaay uirea sir Isaac OURTH claiming purse course Speedy Boy Buck Passer Gesture xHowellville Also ellglbh ernbrake Red Wings Game Chas4r TURER'S TIPS MINIMUM ourth race at Suffolk Downs Jockey Le Blanc Odds 8 to 1 Post time 2:45 SILENT WITNESS ifth race at Suffolk Downs Jockey Krovitz Odds 6 to 1 Post time 3:15 KENYON Seventh race at Suffolk Downs Jockey ELe Blanc Odds 12 to 1 Post time 4:15 OREIGN LEGION Eighth race at Suffolk Downs Jockey Bowen Odds 8 to 1 Post time 4:45 RICH GIRL Eighth race at Churchill Downs Jockey Odds 8 to lPost time 6 :30 mi BAITIMO! $125 Round Trip Sotvrdeysond Sunday $150 Round Trip Good for 3 Days Good en specified koies or ether details ask 2 Ticket Agent er phene Dist 3300 6 Tlmetta (Palumbo) 108 7 Accidental (Machado) 106 choice Night Play Ruth Lerner Waugh Pop ITH RACE CharlM Town Course 1 Star Mint (8 Palumbo) 110 Schley GoreeXB Everson) ill 3 avor (Dufford) 114 Toothpick (W Kirk) 110 air Deal (V VUlalobo) Ill 6 Lead Please (J A Taylor) 110 Lien (Garrett) 105 Hl Blaze (L Machado) 113 Choice Hl Blaze Star Mint avor SIXTH RACE Six and One Half urlongs 1 Airwin (B Hacker) 109 Dizzy Dame (M Barg) 106 Cornwallis (S Palumbo) 111 4 Royal Business (R Root) 114 Tuleyries Lin (Machado) 110 Lynx Eye (R Thomas) ill choice Rpyal Business Dizzy Dame Cornwallis SEVENTH RACE Mlle and a Sixteenth leet wind (Cole) Au oln (Kirk) Arachne (VUlalobo) 4 Dark May (Machado) 5 High Dear (Everson) Justa Pilgrim (Lauch) Best Policy (Taylor) 8 Sylvia (Palumbo) choice: Sylvia au rxm Best oucy EIGHTH RACE Mlle and One eighth 1 Counter Pass (Hacker) 2 Cartour (Lauch) 3 Gaylass (Garrett) 4 Keswick HUI (Snyder) 5 Vltascope (Cole) Minna (Law) Dancing Mack (Balduccl) Puddles (Root) choice: Counter Pass Vltascope Minna CHARLES TOWN ENTRIES OR TUESDAY IRST our yor old claiming purta 3400 a nd mares about 4Vk furlongs xLady Buck 110 Anneke Nirnt witen 115 i mi win iNkver Home ixLula Khayyam I 113lxDunsany lOKlxBoro Poker 1088cout Rose i lOSIDuaky Devil103Sun Belle113Tem Hill 8400 Charles HOlGoIdun llOIAiteriSk liliTNfxrihall A 107Mlghty Busy 107! Some Groucher 112 411 La Canter 107 107Honey Maid 105 A 7" '7 1 1 ST 'it a 7 IS 1 T7 I 7 'V74T 1 A I uun i On rn i A i ri Wh Bia I 410060 2 6 6 1 0 2 It Swltw WH Mr TMk Bi Lu fld NEW YORK $4g0 Nmnafc KnM HataltoU ru BLUB BLUB SKtES I I BBOX)E A SNWrM HHX cwnce out ft VNORVD VUlLO' 1 animal ir iiiK a 1 MW 11 QKV I CC' AKE 1 a vnnv viwuLU xiexi i i i A rilr Ll er U1KA Ta 7 Hft? I Br afll A Jak I 7771 1V I I Ki AB 2b 3b hr rbi Ave Kelly 33010000 500 Gelbert 10 31 12 13 I 3 0 4 419 Early 6 19 071003 368 Wasdell 15 58 7 21 2 1 0 10 883 Wright 18 71 13 25 5 5 0 12 353 Case 19 84 17 21 2 6 0 5 350 Lewis 13 55 9 18 1 0 0 6 327 19 78 6 25 IV 321 errell 18 42 5 12 3 0 6 7 286 DeShong 4 7 1 2 0 0 0 1 286 Travis 15 65 8 17 3 3 1 9 282 Giuliani 3 12 130100 250 Welaj 9 21 352003 233 5 13 133002 331 West 14 50 9 10 2 1 0 6 360 Carrasquel 6 a 0 1 0 0 0 0 200 Chase 4 10 020000 200 Eatalella 9 25 040100 160 Bluege 9 88 35000 1 153 Haynes 4 8 0 1 6 0 0 125 Leonard 4 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 125 Appleton 5 3000000 000 Thomas 32006000 000 Masterson 1'00601)00 000 Bloodworth 11000006 000 Leopard 4 29 6 7 28 4 3 2 0 Haynes 4 15 3 6 18 1 1 2 0 Kelly 3 15 4 3 9 0 6 1 1 Carrasquel 5 23 7 6 20f 1 1 1 1 Krakauskaa 5 38 20 21 35 5 3 1 4 Chase 4 81 12 18 26t 4 1 1 3 DeShong 4 28 13 3 18 4 9 6 1 Appleton 5 8 5 4 10 0 0 6 1 Thomas 3 9 2 0 8 0 0 0 6 Masterson 11 2 0 0 0 0 0 and Lewis Milwaukee 100 003 7 1 Minneapolis 104 601 6 6'1 Toledo 020 000 9 0 Columbus 203 400 8 14 0 lifts lira BALTIMORE OHIO I I.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia? ›

The Washington Times-Herald (1939–1954) was an American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. It was created by Eleanor "Cissy" Patterson of the Medill–McCormick–Patterson family (long-time owners of the Chicago Tribune and the New York Daily News and founding later Newsday on New York's Long Island) when she ...

What city is close to Washington District of Columbia? ›

Arlington is one of the most populated and closest cities to Washington DC, and sure enough, some of the best views of Washington DC can be seen from Arlington!

Is District of Columbia different from Washington? ›

What is Washington, DC? Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States."

What is the major newspaper in DC? ›

The Washington Post - Breaking news and latest headlines, U.S. news, world news, and video - The Washington Post.

Can you live in the District of Columbia? ›

Welcome to the District of Columbia! The District is a great place to live, work and play. We have compiled a list of useful resources to help as you settle in here.

What is the best place in Washington, D.C.. to live? ›

5 Best areas to live in Washington, DC
  • Adams Morgan.
  • Rock Creek Park.
  • Dupont Circle.
  • Foggy Bottom.
  • Logan Circle.

Why is Washington called District of Columbia? ›

The new federal territory was named District of Columbia to honour explorer Christopher Columbus, and the new federal city was named for George Washington.

Who owns the District of Columbia? ›

Answer and Explanation: The federal government own Washington DC. Under Article I Section 8 Clause 17, the seat of the national government is under the purview of the Congress. Today, the majority of the city is owned by the federal government with foreign governments owning their embassies and consulates.

What is the 51st state in the United States? ›

Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico, which became effective in 1952, adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic.

Why did Virginia take back DC? ›

In 1847, the portion of the city that had originally belonged to Virginia was retroceded, after the voters of Alexandria elected to leave DC, feeling that they had been left out of development on the other side of the river. You can still see some surviving, original markers for the District today.

What is the conservative paper in DC? ›

The Washington Times has been known for its conservative political stance, supporting the policies of Republican presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.

Which US newspaper has the largest circulation? ›

1. The Wall Street Journal. Based on circulation numbers, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is among the largest daily U.S. newspapers, with more than 3.9 million subscribers. This includes more than 3 million digital subscribers as well as 649,000 print subscriptions.

Who runs the largest newspaper chain in the United States? ›

Gannett Co., Inc. (/ɡəˈnɛt/) is an American mass media holding company headquartered in New York City. It is the largest U.S. newspaper publisher as measured by total daily circulation.

What is the 183 day rule in DC? ›

Every day that a taxpayer is in the District of Columbia and maintains a place of residency for an aggregate of 183 days or more, including days of temporary absence is counted towards the 183 days residency rule.

Is the District of Columbia liberal or conservative? ›

District of Columbia Democratic State Committee
Membership (2021)403,124
IdeologyModern liberalism
National affiliationDemocratic Party
8 more rows

Is it expensive to live in District of Columbia? ›

Washington, DC housing is 140% more expensive than the U.S average, while utilities are about 10% pricier. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 16% more in Washington, DC than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs around 16% more .

Is Washington DC and District of Columbia the ...Quorahttps://www.quora.com ›

Short answer: mostly yes Long answer: This is a great question! The letters “DC” indicates that the City of Washington lies within the District of Columbia—in t...
What does it stand for in Washington, D.C.? Many people don't know the genesis of the the city on the Potomac River, the seat of our federal government. The...
Everyone knows Washington, D.C., as the political capital of the United States. Government agencies, diplomats, senators, representatives, government workers, l...

How far is Alexandria, Virginia from Washington, D.C.. via? ›

The distance between Alexandria and Washington is 8 miles. The road distance is 6.9 miles. How do I travel from Alexandria to Washington without a car? The best way to get from Alexandria to Washington without a car is to train which takes 16 min and costs $3 - $200.

Is there a train from Washington, D.C.. to Maryland? ›

Is there a direct train between Washington and Maryland? Yes, there is a direct train departing from Washington Union Station station and arriving at Baltimore Penn Station station. Services depart every 30 minutes, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 41 min.

What Washington city is closest to Vancouver BC? ›

Blaine lies between the mountains east of Vancouver, the flatlands of Skagit County, Washington, the North Cascades (including Mount Baker), and the south end of Vancouver Island.

What is the distance between NYC and DC? ›

The shortest distance (air line) between New-York and Washington-Dc is 204.11 mi (328.49 km). The shortest route between New-York and Washington-Dc is 231.37 mi (372.35 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 4h 42min.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.